Mewni's Queen

Start bij het begin

"Okay look," Star huddled next to him. "We need to get the monsters to stop fighting the Mewmans. And its just perfect that you're here. We can stop this."

"But Star this is different than being 15 and dating and fixing things like that."

"No problem, we just have to pick something and agree on it and then hopefully our subjects will see that we agree and then everything will be great."

"Fine, I guess."

"Great!" Star turned around and greeted the warring Mewmans and Monsters with a wide smile. "Hello my subjects! How are you all doing?"

A beefy red monster stepped forward. "Why are you not addressing us?"

Star continued smiling. "I beleive I said my subjects didn't I? The Monsters of Mewni are indeed my subjects too."

He grunted and stepped back.

"This is one of my best friends ever, Tom Lucitor. I've known him for a while now and once upon a time, we've even dated."

A murmur of approval rippled through the segregated crowd. It had definitely gotten past the time when monsters and mewmans could date, however it was looked down upon in some parts.

"Why aren't you married now?" Said a younger butch looking demon girl.

Star's smile faltered. "Um, well..." She nudged Tom. "help me out,"

"We decided to marry Humans." Tom finished. Star sighed.

Gasps came from the crowd.

A Mewman and a Monster came out this time. "You guys had the chance to finalize a life of peace on Mewni between us, and you chose instead to marry pesky humans?"

"Marco Ibaldo Diaz is not a pesky human!" Star puffed her cheeks out and frowned, folding her arms and turning away. "He's my pesky human."

Tom looked at the group carefully. "And honestly, it's not so hard to fall in love with someone, especially someone who was obssessed with black magic and demonic rituals."

Star cracked her knuckles. "I don't know Tom, I think she's still into that, actually. Why did you guys divorce anyways?"

"It was a simple misunderstanding."


"I kindof, well, forgot our anniversery. About three days after she had the kids." Tom said sheepishly.

"TOM! You can't just do that!" Star forgot momentarily about the group watching them like a tennis match.

"Well I didn't mean to! It was hectic! She had just had Axel and Julianna and then there was the problem of our human child and then she just up and decided to be a freaking gypsy! What was I supposed to do Star? I didn't have a backup plan!"

"In marriage, you don't exactly need a backup plan, everything should be written on a calender. Then nothing gets forgotton because its written down."

"Easy for you to say."

"Huh? Whats that supposed to mean?"

"You and Marco can just forget things and then because it's on a calender you can plan ahead! All my calenders get burned the minute I'm mad!"

"Then don't get mad!"

Tom turned firey. In reponse, Star flipped into her butterfly form, hair swirling to gold.


Star and Tom dropped back down to the sand in a heart beat to face the crowd they'd forgotten.

Aurora: The Princess of  Another DimensionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu