Sweetpeas POV

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Sweetpeas POV

"I just got a call. Get comfy we're on lockdown, until Toni says we're not. I don't know what happened and it doesn't matter. I can tell you it was something that went wrong because they were on a peaceful mission, not even anything with rival gangs." I hear FP yell "THis is obviously a dangerous situation, if it wasn't Toni wouldn't order no one leaving and no one coming in, she also said specifically to watch Cheryl so you and your kids are sticking with me, after I talk to Sweets and Jug,"
I walk over to FP. He looks and makes sure someone- I'm assuming Cher wasn't listening.
"Toni was in an accident, a bad one. From what Fangs says it might be the end for her, either as a serpent or living in general." FP says in tears
"What the hell?" I ask
"She doesnt want Cheryl knowing at all, she also said she loved you two. It was a ghoulie attack and Fangs said she was ran off the road, then one of them stabbed her and they mentioned Cheryl. Pea, you're watching the front door here, Jug you got the back. Don't be heroes he said there was over 15 of them, so call me if you see any of them,"
We both nod and walk off

Cheryls POV
"Mom, whats happening?" Madi asks scared

"I dont know Sweetie, lets go sit down," I say nervous and walking towards a booth
"Is mommy in trouble?" Kait asks
"I'm not sure yet Kait," I say rubbing her arm
"Cheryl?" FP says "I'm not supposed to do this but I'm going to tell you one thing, ok?"
"It was the ghoulies and thats all I know that's all I was told,"
"And Toni told you that, you spoke to Toni," I panic
He just looks down "no, I didn't speak to Toni but I believe Fangs was speaking to her and he assured me they weren't taken or anything, I'm not sure what happened," he says "She told Fangs to get me to watch you, one of them mentioned your name,"
I take out my phone and call Toni, it rings all 4 times and I hear her voicemail.
"Hey, its Toni Topaz Blossom, Sorry I cant take your call right now- CHER STOP," and after that she laughs, I thought she changed that.
I jumped on her and she started laughing, thats why she loved it.
"Why wont she pick up her phone FP?"
Just then he got a call from Fangs.
"Hey Fangs," He says
I grab his phone
"Fangs tell me what the hell is going on." I yell
"I- I was just about to," He says "Toni told me not to but I need to,"
"What the hell fangs?" I repeat
"The ghoulies ran her off the road and then one stabbed her in the arm, she isn't in good shape Cheryl."
"I'm on my way,"
"No the ghoulies are here looking for you, they set a trap for you for some reason,"
"Fangs how is she,"
"She lost her pulse in the ambulance, she wasn't moving when she was on the ground," He cry's
I break down and start crying. I hang up.
"Betty watch the girls," I say and Betty nods "They dont go anywhere near the hospital,"
"Cheryl, you're not leaving," FP says
"Like hell I'm not," I hiss back
I push through everyone and get to Sweetpea watching the door
"Red? Your not aloud to leave," He says
"On who's orders? My bitch of a wife's? Shes dying Sweetpea,"
On that he lets me go and follows me to the car. I speed to the hospital and hop out and practically run into the hospital.
Shit ghoulies. I think seeing 3 approach me all with switchblades
"Oh little red riding hood coming to see her princess," one of them mocks
"Ya my wife is hurt, I decided to come see her. Do we have a problem here?"
One moves to touch me and i bat his hand away
"Touch me and you'll be sorry," I threaten
"Oh and who's gunna hurt me?" The taller one asks
"Me and then my wife when she wakes up," I say
"If she wakes up," The smallest one says coming towards me
As he reaches his hand out I punch him square in the face and do a spin kick like Toni taught me and took him out.
"Any more?" I ask
They try and come at me together and Sweetpea shows up right in the nick of time.
"Take one more fucking step and no doctor in this hospital will be able to stop the bleeding bitch," He says pulling a switchblade
They immediately leave.
"Thanks Pea." I say gratefully
"Anytime, hows your hand?"
"I'll be fine, I need to go find Tones,"
"I texted Fangs he's on the 5th floor,"
I run up the stairs- not waiting for the slow ass elevators.
"Fangs!" I yell seeing him in the hallway
"Ya dumbass who else," I hug him
"You're not supposed to be here, the ghoulies are here,"
"I know I already punched one of them, and Pea had to threaten two," I say ushering to my purple and blue hand
"Badass," Fangs says "But are you ok?"
"I'm fine. Where's my girl?" I ask
"Um," He says awkwardly
"How bad was it Fangs? And what even happened?" I ask
"A ghoulie ran her off the road, then got off his bike and stabbed her, one of them said something about you and left. She was talking and everything, bossy like usual, I never saw her move but she was moving in the ambulance apparently and she lost her pulse and stopped breathing. They got her back eventually, and is in a room down the hall with a police officier outside," HE says "she might be awake,"
I walk past him and down the hall when yet another ghoulie approach's me. I punch him twice and walk away fixing my hair as I get to the door.
"Ma'am shes in protective custody, you cant visit ms topaz,"
"It's Mrs. Topaz Blossom and I'm her wife," I say showing him a picture of us
"Oh I'm sorry ma'am go right in,"
"Is she awake?" I ask him
"Yes ma'am,"
I nod silently thanking him and walk in.
"Antoniette," I say disapprovingly
She just drops her head
"Hi Cher,"
"Tones, are you ok?" I ask
"You're not going to yell?" She asks looking at me
"I want to but I heard it wasn't your fault," I say sitting beside her
"I'm sorry," She whispers starting to cry "I'm sorry for everything,"
"Hey T, its ok, its okay," I say calming her down
She reaches for my hurt hand and I wince in pain
"What happened to your hand?" She asks
"I had to punch several ghoulies to get here," I sigh
"Badass babe," She says calming down and laughing
Thats what I wanted to happen... but it didn't.
I walked in to see Toni, strapped to many machines and barely hanging on. Her head was wrapped and her right side had road burn all up and down, she had short irregular breathes even though the machine was breathing for her, and her left leg was casted up.
"Oh Antoniette, what have you done now?" I say sitting next to her
I hold her hand and draw circles on the back of her hand when she starts shaking
Doctors rush in and stabilize her again.
"That was a good thing, the shock is beginning to wear off and she wants to wake up," The doctor explains leaving me alone once again, with Toni not intubated anymore
"Tones, c'mon wake up baby, I need you right now," I whisper with tears rolling down my cheeks
I watch and continue to hold her hands as suddenly her eyes fly open.
"Tones!" I yell smiling
"Cher?" She says quietly and confused
"Fangs told me, don't get mad I kinda forced him to," I say grabbing her arm
"I'm not mad, I just am glad you're ok," She gives me a soft smile
She grabs the hand I punched the ghoulies with and I flinch. She looks down and sees my purple and blue knuckles
"Did you punch Sweetpea or Jughead?" She asks
"Neither, I punched 2 ghoulies," I reply
"Thats my girl," She smiles
She pulls my hand so I lie behind her on the bed playing with her hair just like all those years ago.
"I love you Cheryl Topaz Blossom," She says nuzzling into my side
"I love you too Antoniette Topaz Blossom," i laugh as she rolls her eyes
"Who even told you that my name was Antoniette?" She asks
"Sweetpea after your last bike accident,"
"Cher maybe I should leave the serpents," She says out of the blue
"No babe," I say sternly
"What?" She says surprised
"They're your family T," I say "and they need you,"
"But the girls," She says
"The girls need to see you fighting for what you believe in, fighting with your brothers and with me. Ok? You're the best role model for our girls and you know why? Because even though you were dying and hurt- you tried to protect them and protect me." I say
"Thank you Cheryl, I think, I needed to hear that," She says crying
"Whats wrong baby? Are you in pain?" I ask
"I thought I was going to die, and I thought I was never going to see you or the girls again." She says
"I know babes, I know," I say playing with her hair
She falls asleep and I wonder what this means for Toni, not only as a serpent- but as a person

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