"Right" decision

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I had whole of my life flashing in front of my life as I saw the house which I was leaving behind.
"This is not going to be easy ziana" I said to myself
"But definately worth it"said my brother
"Aryan" I sighed
"Zi you have got this"added my mother
"This girl has been jumping around for a month all worked up to go to Canada and now look at this face 😨😨😨😨"
"You can't keep quiet, can you? "I told my annoying elder brother: Aarav
"Sorry couldn't resist"he continued with a smug look
"Annoying brat! Why do you always irritate me"I stated
"Okay stop you two" said my father breaking the silence
"We are getting late " stated my uncle
I hugged my family for one last time with tears threatening to escape. Slowly I sat in the car looking forward to my new life that I will design on my own
"Cheers to the fresh new blank page in my book "
There was something about the last goodbye that told me

Ziana it is going to be worth it

This is zaina💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗There it is My first ever book

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This is zaina
There it is
My first ever book

My journey - barefootWhere stories live. Discover now