"Good idea, Scott why don't you join your sister," I said, my eyes never leaving our father's. I swear, if looks could kill, I would have dropped dead right that second from his.

"But I don't want to go swimming," Scott said, making my head quickly turn to him. He must have gotten the hint because he let out a sigh, grabbed a bag, and turned to go into the bathroom, "I'll take a shower I guess."


I waited until Kate and Scott were out of earshot before I let out a sigh and sat my butt in one of the seats. Dad, or Jacob, sat on the edge of the bed, staring at me as if waiting for me to make the first move. Knowing he wouldn't, I spoke. "So, want to explain to me why you grabbed my siblings and took them towards Mexico? Or am I just supposed to take this as a hint that you don't want me near you?"

"That's our business. I'm not the one who walked out on this family," Jacob said, getting angry.

"I didn't walk out, you pushed me out," I yelled, pausing to quiet my voice. "I came to you multiple times, crying, begging you to do something and all you ever said to me was "pray to God" and other crap. Well, I did, and you know where it got me? Beat up multiple times in the office. Having no friends, no life, no freedom even after I turned 18. And nothing but a drunk dad to cover for. You did nothing for me but make things worst. You took my childhood away from me and then didn't give two shits when I walked out."

As if ignoring every other word I said, Jacob said, "Hey! Watch your mouth."

I couldn't help but shake my head and roll my eyes as I leaned back into the chair. This was ridiculous trying to get through this man. All I was called here to do was to get Kate and Scott and bring them back. But, from the way Scott was, he didn't plan on leaving anytime soon.

And Kate would never leave her brother.

As if on cue, the bathroom door opened, revealing an almost dried Scott. He looked slightly nervous, as if he heard every word that had left our mouths. Which I hoped he hadn't.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, making Jacob stand and look over at Scott. "Did you order a pizza?" Scott shook his head, looking confused.

Jacob stood up, making his way over to the door before swinging it opened to reveal a tall man with glasses, dressed in a perfectly pressed suit. He reminded me of someone who would be going to a fancy party at some fancy mansion. One defiantly not found here.

"Hi. You know, we're actually in the room just below you. Do you think you could keep the noise level down a little bit?" The man asked, smiling slightly as if trying to break the news to him without hurting his feelings.

Looking confused, dad asked, "What's that, now?"

Suddenly, there was a hard thud, making my feet immediately pull me up to find Jacob stumbling back onto the bed. Another man, dressed in a suit as well but looking much hotter, stepped in. "The man said shut your mouth."

The man with glasses quickly aimed his gun at Scott, causing me to hold my breath. He must have got me in the corner of his eye because he quickly moved the gun to point at me, seeming to see me as more of a threat.

At first glance, it was hard to tell who these guys could be, but the radio from the car made my mind pick up. I heard about these guys, they're robbers, not usually killers unless you get in their way.

Seth and Richie Gecko.

The one with glasses, Richie, grabbed my dad and yanked him up to a sitting position on the edge of the bed.

At the removal of one gun, another one takes it's spot, this ones Seth.

"Why don't you take a seat," Seth motioned to the chair I was sitting in before with a fake smile. I caught sight of Richie pointing the gun at Scott, motioning for him to take the seat next to dad on the bed.

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