The Hunt

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The Hunt

There's a loud noise when Seth pins Ranger Gonzalez up against the bar counter, holding a knife to his neck. His blood covered body struggle's under Seth's grip, who doesn't let up.

"You're not a thinking man, are you? If you were, you would've let this go. No, but you're like one of those junkyard dogs, right? Just can't stay on your leash," Seth says angrily.

"I came to do what I got to do, and I ain't leaving till I do it," Gonzalez says with venom in his voice.

My eyes move from Seth and the Ranger to my dad, who has a shotgun in his hand, cocking it and pointing it at Seth's head. "Dad!" I yell, taking a step towards him only for his voice to stop me, "Stay back, Katherine." I do as he says for once, not wanting to risk Seth's life. "Let him go," Jacob focuses back on Seth.

"This ain't your fight, padre," Seth says to Jacob, not even looking at him.

"And it ain't your call to kill him," Jacob says, not letting up.

Kate spoke up near me, her arms crosses, "We already saw him get killed, but he lived. He might know something."

Gonzalez nodded, "She's right. I know a way out. But you're too stupid to listen."

"Shut up!" Seth yelled, pushing the knife closer to his neck. "This guy thinks he's dirty Harry. You out for blood? That's good, 'cause you're gonna die bloody."

"I said let him go," Jacob warns Seth again.

Seth let's out a sigh, looking at Jacob, nodding to Gonzalez, "This is Old Testament, padre."

"My Scott is gone because you kidnapped us and forced us to come here. By your scripture, you raise that blade, I can blow your head all over this wall."

Gez, don't hold back I guess dad.

Seth turns back to Gonzalez, turning his head to reveal his neck to us, "You see this? Huh? Looks like this little piggy's already had a close encounter, huh?" Two bite marks stand on his neck, causing Jacob to lower his gun some while still keeping it aimed at Seth.

"I'm fine. There's nothing wrong with me," Gonzalez says with a slightly struggle under Seth's grip.

"Nothing was wrong with those bikers, either, till they got up and they started chomping," Seth said. Though I wasn't for killing people, I had to agree with Seth on this one.

Gonzalez looked towards Kate, Aiden, and I, "I know a way out... down that trapdoor over there, through a hole."

"Down to where?" Jacob asks?

"It's a grinder for flesh," Gonzalez says.

A small scuff leaves my lips as I cross my arms and say, "Yeah, that's one way out."

"Get past, there might be an exit," Gonzalez says to Jacob, giving me a small glare in the process.

Seth grabs his attention again, "Thanks for the tip, but it's the end of the line for you."

"Leaving him behind is like pulling the trigger. I say we vote on it," Jacob says, raising his gun again at Seth.

Annoyed, Seth looks at Jacob, "Does this look like a parish hall to you?"

Jacob says his words loud enough for everyone to hear him. "All those in favor of leaving the Ranger, raise your hand!" It's no shock when Seth is the first to raise his hand, still holding onto the Ranger. I'm next, causing Jacob to look at me shocked, "Katherine..."

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