Win The Family, Get The Man

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Win The Family, Get The Man

Sleep was such a beautiful thing, minus when you're in the passenger seat of a car that could break down any minute and Seth Gecko is driving. None the less, I manage to get a couple hours of sleep that night.

My eyes opened, letting my body stretch itself awake. Night was still hanging around, but that's to be expected since I didn't sleep long.

"Good morning, Kitty Kat. We're almost there," Seth says, not even looking over at me.

"Where's there?" I asked, sitting up better in my seat. My eyes looked outside, hoping for a sign of some sorts but nothing popped up.

"Houston," Seth said, making my eyes land back on him.

A smile formed on my lips when I saw his beard had been shaved off and all that was left was a stubble that I had defiantly loved more than the beard. "Looks like Seth Gecko is back in business," I said, causing Seth to shake his head with a smile.

"What's in Houston?" I asked, my eyes returning to the road in front of us.

"Probably the last person I can trust," Seth said, just above a mumble.

A scuff left my lips, my eyes not looking at him, "Gez, thanks."

"I said probable," Seth said, making me look at him to see him looking between the road and me. "I know I can trust you."

The blush that appeared on my face couldn't be hidden this time. But a small nod and words defiantly helped. "Give what you take and take what you give."

Seth nodded, "Bingo, Kitty Kat." At the use of my nickname again, I couldn't help but roll my eyes and look out my window.

We drove for a little while longer before we arrived at a TV Repair Store. The sign lit up the night with the words "Fast Eddie's TV Repair Store". Seth parked the car out front before snatching up the door key under a rock.

Seth and I walked in, finding the place mostly dark except for a couple of small lights on. I found myself following Seth as he moved quietly and slowly through the building.

When the sound of a shotgun cocking was heard behind us, Seth and I quickly turn around to face an older looking man with a beard. My first thought was that this was Eddie.

"Really?" Seth said, throwing out his hands toward his side.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, letting yourself in here like this?" Eddie asked, clearly angry. The tone of his voice and the way he still pointed his shot gun at Seth proved they knew each other and that this dug deeper than just an old argument.

Holding up the spare key, Seth says, "I think maybe you should have move the spare key. You wanna lower the cannon, please?"

Eddie didn't lower his gun as he asks, "What do you want?"

"Eddie. Come on. I got a 13-inch tube that needs-"

Cutting Seth off, Eddie's eyes move towards me and he lowers his gun. His feet carry him past Seth and towards me. "What in God's name is a fine young lady like yourself doing with a no-good-low-down shit-bird like him?"

I couldn't help but smile at Eddie's words already enjoying Eddie.

"Okay, okay, easy there," Seth says, holding up his hand to try and stop Eddie but it doesn't work.

"Excuse me, I'm talking to Miss-?" Eddie says, looking over his shoulder at Seth before focusing back on me, his eyes raising in question.

"Katherine," I answer, making his smile grow even more.

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