The Greely Case

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The Greely Case

The Greely Meats Factory, where Mr. Greely stands tall and mighty. Also the man who can get us into Jacknife Jed's.

Seth, Richie, Santanico and I stood in Mr. Greely's office where he sat in his chair. Santanico and I kept our guns aimed at Mr. Greely while Seth and Richie sat his right hand man in the chair across from Greely.

His right hand man looked nervous as he looked around before looking at Greely. "I'm sorry, Mr. Greely. I'm really sorry."

"Sorry's not gonna cut the mustard, Balthazar. It's the second time in a month my operation's been compromised, and by the same clown squad, no less," Mr. Greely said, eyeing us.

My eye rose, "Well, who you callin' a clown, Colonel Sanders?" I asked, making him look over at me.

"The people who think they're going to take down Jacknife Jed's," He said, already hearing why we were here.

Seth spoke up, bringing the attention back to him. "Malvado's the collector, and you owe him your tribute. When you deliver, we come in as your crew, he's not gonna see us coming."

Greely scuffs, but doesn't respond to Seth. Instead, his head turns to Santanico and me, a smirk playing on his lips. "Well, I do have to say you two are easier on the eyes than these two paperback rejects."

"So you know who we are," Seth says, glad to skip the introductions and explanations.

Mr. Greely nodded, "Oh yeah." His head then turned to me, eyeing me slightly as he spoke. "The human girl with a thing for Seth Gecko. Trades her normal everyday life for a life of crime and Culebras."

"Trust me, my life has never been normal. Besides, this is way more fun," I said, cocking my gun. The action makes Greely nod before moving onto Santanico.

"And you. Why couldn't you have just stayed where you were, like a good girl?" He asked but she didn't respond. "Oh. You still have his taste in your mouth after all these years, don't you? I bet it never goes away, even in your dreams."

When Santanico speaks, her words are as hard as her face. "My dreams are about to become his nightmares."

"Yeah? Payback's like your first lay. It plays better in your head. Gonna kill a Lord, are you?"

"I can kill him. But I need your help," Santanico says. It takes everything in me not to mumble something under my breath about her words, but decide against it. Right now, in a room full of Culebras, minus Seth and me, it's better to just voice those thoughts in your head.

Greely shrugs, looking back at Seth and Richie, "And for my help, I get what? Flayed alive and turned into a saddle? I don't think so." His hands push him up from the seat, but mine grab his shoulder and yank him back down into it. I point my gun right at his head, causing him to raise his hands and get comfortable in his seat again.

Richie goes back to the main conversation at hand. "We checked your books. You paid 38 percent of your profits to him last year. Between Malvado and Uncle Sam, you're getting skinned to the bone."

"You waving the people's flag at me, boy?" Greely half-yells at Richie.

Santanico grabs his attention with a smile, "You see, things are changing, Mr. Greely. You can join the revolution, or you can rot in the past."

"Revolutions are overrated," Greely says, scuffing slightly. Santanico suddenly changed, leaning in, and hissing right in his face. He stares at her for a second before saying casually, "Then, again, I like to think of myself as a compassionate conservative." He revels his own gold eyes, causing Santanico to lean back with a smirk.

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