Chapter 17: Groceries

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Your head swiveled away from Aizawa to address the noise. There sitting in the hallway was a black and white short-haired cat. Its bright hazel eyes pierced into you as its tail swished back and forth rhythmically. Aizawa let go of you and strolled over to the cat.

 Aizawa let go of you and strolled over to the cat

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"Oh, (Y/N) this is Molly. She's just pissed right now cause I didn't feed her last night, but she's usually a sweetheart. You can hang out in the living room while I get her food if that's okay." He bent down and gave Molly a few apologetic head scratches before continuing further into his apartment.

"Sure. Sounds good," you spoke through a gentle grin. Your eyes scanned the walls and rooms as you followed him into the kitchen. As expected, his home wasn't anything flashy or big with minimal decorations and simple furniture. You took a seat on the black, leather couch while Aizawa busied himself in the kitchen that overlooked the living room. His movements were slow and automatic as he opened the can of cat food and began mixing it with dry food. You only sat there and silently observed him. The way he carried himself was always deliberate and calm, which made him so interesting to watch. In moments like these, you could always tell that his mind was somewhere else. Those dark eyes would become distant, but this time they weren't dull. In fact, they seemed to sparkle with the same sort of intensity as last night. A soft smile grew on his face.

"Whatcha thinkin about?" you asked. There wasn't a need to ask him that. You already had a strong feeling what it was about. Your question broke him away from his contemplative state and a tiny bit of pink appeared on his cheeks. He looked over at you as if you had just magically appeared before him.

"Nothing," he muttered embarrassingly. He's so cute when he's flustered. Aizawa placed the small plate of food on the ground for Molly, who approached the feast without hesitation, before sauntering over to a closed door just across from the couch.

"I just need to change then we can go get those groceries." He paused with his hand on the doorknob to what you presumed to be his bedroom and gazed back at you.

"Okay, take your time!" You watched him disappear behind the closed door and leave you to the silence of the living room. To be honest, you wanted to see him undressed again; to be able to run your fingers through the hills and valleys of his form. It was true that you regretted one thing about last night, that you didn't take the time to relish in it. Next time, you thought to yourself. Next time I'll be sure to remember everything. You wished the next time would come as soon as possible. And as soon as he left, Aizawa emerged from his room wearing a long sleeved dark gray shirt and jeans.

"Do you even own any shirts that aren't black or gray?" you asked jokingly. Aizawa shook his head and chuckled.

"Not that I know of. Mic's been trying to get me to wear bright clothes for years now though," he sighed, and you stood up from the couch.

"Maybe I'll help him do that. You'd look good!" you grinned to yourself mischievously.

"C'mon. Let's go before you get any bright ideas," he walked past you towards the front door and you rolled your eyes at his stubbornness. As you both walked out of and away from his apartment, Aizawa gingerly took your hand in his own. The butterflies in your stomach returned as the two of you strolled down to your local supermarket.

"So, what should we say to Nemuri and Yamada?" he asked, catching you off guard. You took a few seconds to think before replying.

"Well to be honest they probably already know." Aizawa looked over at you in confusion.

"How would they? All I know is that Nemuri told me to go talk to you at the party since you were sitting alone and..." A flash of understanding crossed his expression.

"Ohhhh... so she was trying to set us up." You snickered at how long it took for him to put the pieces of that puzzle together.

"And knowing those two Hizashi was probably in on it too." You shook your head. They really do love to stir up drama. A sudden vibration from your pocket jolted you away from the conversation. You took out your phone and read the text you received. Well, speak of the devil!

Mr. Mic Man: Heyyy!!! Why'd you leave the party so soon last night? If you weren't feeling well I could've taken you home

You showed your screen to Aizawa who let out an annoyed 'tch' at his friend's text.

"What should I tell him?" you asked, curious about his response.

"You should just leave him on read. It's none of his business anyways," he groaned.

"Well, I'll just tell him that I'm alright since he seemed a bit worried." You typed the responding text into your phone and pressed send.

Don't worry I'm all good. See you on Monday!

(Time skip)

"Hey, do you need pork? There's a sale on it." Aizawa pointed over to the sign next to the various different pork cuts.

"Oh yeah I do! Let me grab some." You've never had such an enjoyable time shopping for groceries before. The air around you was serene and peaceful, yet every time your eyes met, or hands touched a pulse of electricity coursed through you, sending your heart rate through the roof.

"Is there anything else you need?" he asked. You scanned the objects already in your cart and crossed each one off the list in your head.

"The only other thing I can think of right now are a few onions," you replied before walking over to the large display of onions a few feet away. Your eyes searched for the best-looking ones and picked up a larger onion from the back. Aizawa was next to you a few seconds later and picked up a slightly smaller one.

"Y'know the flatter ones are sweeter," he said as he handed you the onion he picked out.

"They are?" you turned your head to the side quizzically. Aizawa gave a nod and you gathered a few more onions, being sure to pick out the flatter ones.

"Well, that should be it!" you cheered before getting in line to pay. The cashier scanned each of your items with a smile and you handed her the money you owed. You and Aizawa split the grocery bags 50/50 as you made your way back to your apartment.

"Thanks again for coming with me! How about you come over for dinner tonight? I mean if you're aren't already doing anything."

"I do have to do patrolling later today, but I shouldn't be out too late this time. Is seven or eight okay?" Aizawa spoke as you both approached the door to your place.

"Sure!" you smiled as you unlocked the door and entered. The grocery bags were placed on the kitchen counter as you began to put the various food items away.

"Well I should get going..." Aizawa trailed off awkwardly. It was obvious that he was struggling with what he should do now. His hesitation was short lived however, as he approached you and gave you a soft kiss with one hand cupping your cheek. Before you knew it, he pulled away and gave you a gentle smile.

"I'll see you later then," he breathed. You nodded as your face grew flushed. Aizawa turned away and walked out with a wave. Your apartment was once again empty except for you and the growing heat where his skin had met yours. 

Hooray for cute domestic fluff! Next chapter is planned to have more smut in it with more fluff mixed in. Also, I just got a part time job and I've been trying to write on my time off to keep up so if updates are a bit slow that's why. Thanks for reading and commenting! I love to hear what you think of the story so far! <3

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