Chapter 3: Meeting

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Stepping through the doorway, you scanned the office carefully and found many pairs of eyes turn in your direction. Within your field of vision, you recognized Midnight, Present Mic, and Thirteen almost instantly. But there was one other teacher sitting near them that you didn't know in the slightest. The man seemed to be only skin and bones with hollow eye sockets that held two piercing blue orbs. His hair matched the color of Mic's and was spiked except two bangs that drooped over his skeletal face. You looked away from him and plastered on a wide smile.

"Hello! I'm (F/N) (L/N), the new head of security. It's a pleasure to meet all of you!" As expected, Mic was the first to speak up.

"HEYYYY THERE (Y/N)! LONG TIME NO SEE!" he enthusiastically shouted. The sudden noise change shot pain through your ears and you cupped them. Mic was used to people being surprised at how loud he was up close, but he'd never met anyone this sensitive to his voice. Your face was scrunched in obvious discomfort, but you could tell that it wasn't bad enough to make your ears bleed. 

"Hizashi you moron, her quirk heightens her senses, including her hearing," Aizawa chastised. Mic's aura of confidence and extroversion dissipated after realizing that he had hurt you.

"Oh my god! I'm so so sorry (Y/N)! Are you okay?!" You released your hands from your ears.

"Yeah, I should be fine. It wasn't enough to make me bleed or anything" you chuckled, trying to set him at ease.

"Just be more careful when she's around. She hasn't quite gotten used to how sensitive her quirk is," Aizawa blankly stated, causing you to look down nervously. It was embarrassing for a woman of your age to still not be used to how your quirk operates and even more so now that most of your colleagues were aware of it. The skeleton of a man you noticed when you first walked in stood up and made his way over to the group.

"It's very nice to finally meet you (Y/N). Nezu has told me all about you! I'm looking forward to working together." The man reached out his hand and you shook it in response. He had a pretty strong grip for a guy his size. Is he a pro hero too? He's so small! Pro hero Midnight popped up from behind the blue-eyed teacher.

"Hey guys how about we all go out for drinks tonight to celebrate (Y/N) joining the staff?" She suggested, placing her hands on her hips.

"I got a shit ton of papers to grade and hero work after that so no." Aizawa grumbled and sat down to begin his work at his desk.

"Awww come on Shouta you haven't gone out with us in forever!" Mic groaned before he looked back to you.

"What about you (Y/N)? You in?" he winked and gave you a finger gun. Damn you couldn't keep up with this guy's high energy at all.

"Sorry I can't tonight. I gotta do my rounds around the school and I don't know how long it'll take. How about this weekend?"

"That'll work! What about you Aizawa? Will you finally come have some fun for once?" Midnight teasingly looked back at him.

"Ugh fine. I'll try to finish my hero work early that day," the raven-haired teacher muttered.

"Yaaayyy!" both Mic and Midnight unanimously shouted in triumph. Even though you were still brand new here you already felt more relaxed. They're a lot more chill than I thought they'd be, well except for Aizawa. You couldn't quite figure out what his deal was. You couldn't tell whether he was acting all stoic because you were here or if he's always like that. But you had to admit it, the man was intriguing at the very least. You recognized all the other teachers here, other than the really skinny guy, as famous pro heroes, but you didn't know Aizawa at all. Interrupting your contemplation, Mic stepped closer to you with his phone out.

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