Chapter 7: Too Close for Comfort

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Warning: Mature content located in this chapter (not smut).

About two weeks passed since your exciting night on the town. You had gotten to know each of the teachers enough to call them your friends over those 14 days. Though, you still acted a bit awkward around Aizawa, but that didn't stop you from trying to interact with him. He seemed quite a bit more open and talkative than when you first met him. Your job tasks had been going smoothly as well, which often included keeping the security systems up to date and staying in touch with local heroes conducting surveillance throughout the city. The late-night perimeter checks were relaxing, and you would chat with Aizawa while he graded papers and planned lessons before your shift ended. One night, you found yourself once again sitting next to the teacher who had a significantly larger than normal pile of work to complete.

"Aizawa, you're always here super late. I could always help you with some of the grading." You wanted to help the guy in some way. After all, he was the one who first showed you around the campus unprompted.

"That's very kind of you but I have to decline. You don't need extra work that you didn't sign up for," he stated bluntly. You huffed in annoyance. Man, this dude really doesn't like getting help does he?

"Are you sure? It seriously wouldn't be a big deal. You just seem so tired all the time from working so hard." Aizawa's brow furrowed.

"I said I'm fine. If I wasn't able to finish my tasks I wouldn't be a teacher at this school at all." Your attention shifted to the bags under his eyes. You decided to drop the subject.

"So, has your job been going okay? Any issues?" Aizawa diverted the conversation.

"It's been going great! I'd say that I'm pretty used to how things work around here now," you boasted. Aizawa halted his writing and gazed up at you.

"Y'know, we're all really glad you're here. Just you being here has upped our security by a large margin. We all appreciate what you do, even if you're new." Man, you really couldn't pin this guy down. One moment he's pushing you away and the next he says things like that. It was really difficult to get a read on him.

"Thanks, that means a lot coming from you," you smiled to yourself. Aizawa looked at you quizzically.

"What do you mean by that?" Your face grew warm. 

"W-well you were the most critical of me in the beginning, y'know?." You nervously scratched the back of your neck and avoided eye contact.

"I guess that's true," he drifted off and returned to his work. A few moments later he put his pen back down.

"Fuck this I'll just finish tomorrow during lunch," he groaned and stretched back in his seat. His back arched as he let out an audible moan. Your eyes flew to his lower stomach, which was exposed by his shirt riding up his torso. You noticed he had a defined 'V' formation on his hips and your face grew even more hot.

"You ready to head out?" He asked with his long black hair cascading over his face and shoulders.

"Sure!" you nearly shouted, trying to hide the fact that you were staring at him. You both got up from your seats and walked out of the room. The hallways were as silent as ever, yet you found a strange comfort in that silence. As awkward as you were with Aizawa, you never really minded the quiet time you shared. Your nightly walk brought the two of you to the main gate of the school once again.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Have a goodnight," Aizawa said as he placed his yellow goggles over his eyes.

"Goodnight! Don't you stay up too late now," you nudged him a little. He nodded back at you with a small grin and flew off into the night, disappearing almost instantly. Your heart always felt a little hollow whenever he left for the night. You truly enjoyed his company; he was much more mellow than Yamada, yet you felt safe around him. The dim streetlamps and full moon illuminated your path through the city. Not many people were out right now since it was so late, and you were in a more secluded part of town. You preferred being in the city at this time, it was so much more peaceful, and you didn't have to worry about your quirk going off. 

The New Girl (Aizawa x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu