Chapter 2: Doubts

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"She's coming with me. I don't trust you to keep your hands to yourself. You can follow me (Y/N)."

"Okay." You trailed Aizawa out the door. He had his hands buried deep in his pockets and wore a stoic, almost bored expression as you both made your way down the long hallway. Moving forward a bit, you were now walking side-by-side with him. You stole a sideways glance at his face and his eyes flickered onto your own.

"Yes?" Aizawa asked blankly.

"Are you okay? You look exhausted" you turned your body more to face him as you walked.

"I was just up late grading papers and my hero work took longer to finish than expected. Got about two hours of sleep last night." He rubbed the corners of his eyes with his thumb and index finger.

"Well are you sure you wanna walk me around? I mean you should be using your lunch to get some rest." It was a miracle that this guy hadn't passed out cold yet. The minimum amount you needed to function was at least five or six hours, and even then you couldn't count on yourself to get anything productive done.

"I don't mind. Plus, who else would've saved you from Mic?" Despite his indifferent expression, you could sense a touch of humor in the teacher's voice followed by yet another exasperated sigh.

"I apologize for his unprofessionalism. He tends to get a bit... forward... with new female employees. He should calm down after a few days, but if he does anything funny let me know."

"Okay... will do." You were caught a bit off guard by Aizawa's sudden concern.

The both of you made your way around the school with Aizawa leading the way. Along the walk he pointed out all the different buildings and their functions. You were shocked at how huge the school grounds actually were. They even had a few acres of fake city blocks for training! I guess it's to be expected from the nation's top hero academy. I can't believe I'll actually be working here! Nearing the end of the tour, as you approached the front of the main school building Aizawa stopped you.

"So, what's your quirk?" his half-lidded eyes trained on you curiously. He's pretty blunt isn't he?

"Well... it's not super flashy or anything. All my senses are basically enhanced and I can improve specific ones when I focus. But I tend to get overwhelmed when a lot of stuff is going on around me. It's something that I need to work on while I'm here" you rambled. Aizawa crossed his arms and moved a step closer. His piercing eyes bore into your soul and he furrowed his eyebrows in apparent distaste.

"Miss (L/N), we don't have time for our head of security to be "working on" her quirk. If you aren't up to the task of protecting the students and staff here then you are wasting both your and our time. We can't have another incident like USJ happen again. I can't let anything else happen to any of my students. Do you understand?" You felt someone had hit you upside the head. No rebuttal came to mind and you could feel the tears building up. The full weight of your responsibilities came crashing down on you in an instant. You now realized that the lives of each young student at the most prestigious hero academy rested heavily on your shoulders. Fuck... why is this hitting me just now? How could I possibly think that I could take this on?! I'm no pro hero, I'm just from a small town miles from here! What if something happens on my watch and kids get hurt? Or worse? These thoughts and many like them swarmed your head. You felt like falling down to your knees and crying away the stress, but you couldn't stand to show Aizawa any more of your incompetence.

"Oh, there you two are! I've been looking for you!" you glanced past Aizawa to see the principal happily strolling over.

"S-sir!" you managed to croak out, trying your hardest not to burst into tears.

"Thank you for giving Miss (L/N) a tour of campus Aizawa! (Y/N) let's go to my office so we can go over the details of your employment." The small mammal of questionable species gestured for you to follow him. Wordlessly, you marched past the raven-haired hero and trailed Nezu as he led you back into the building. Thank god I'm out of that situation. Why did he have to bite my head off like that? Before returning to the main building you took a risky glance back to where Aizawa was. His expression had returned to that of boredom and indifference as he turned and walked away with his hands once again in his pockets.

"Forgive Aizawa for being so harsh with you. He feels partly responsible for what happened at USJ and he's deeply concerned for his student's safety. Of course, you do have a large amount of responsibility, he was correct about that, but every staff member here does as well. And you do have to work hard at getting better at controlling your quirk in hectic situations, but I have confidence that you will be able to fulfill your duties to the best of your ability. You come highly recommended for a reason (Y/N)." The honest, encouraging words from the principal breathed new life into your self-esteem.

"Thank you sir. I am truly honored to be working here, don't get me wrong, I guess I'm just nervous and insecure since it's my first day here. I will be sure to be more assured of myself going forward." You looked down and saw the principal flash a wide smile.

"I'm very pleased to hear you say that (Y/N). Now let's talk about the specifics in my office."

(Time skip to about sunset)

After a long and informative meeting with the principal you felt much more confident in performing your job. Nezu recommended that you go meet the rest of the teachers in the main office since most of them should still be grading and planning for classes. Unfortunately, the layout of the school was still a mystery and you had no idea where the room was located, but you were too embarrassed to go back to his office and ask. It can't be too far can it? I'll figure it out! I need to get used to where everything is anyways! Your determination crumbled soon though, after spending about 5 minutes walking down empty corridors and looking into barren classrooms you were about to give up. When your hand reached to open yet another door, another body crashed into you and your hands instinctively flew up in defense.

"Ohmygod I'm so sor-" you were cut off after recognizing the rugged face and long hair of Shouta Aizawa. Fuck, it's this guy again.

"What are you doing here?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow and looking down at your hands that were still held up in a psudo-combat position.

"What? You thought I was gonna quit right after you yelled at me?" You folded your arms and scowled. 

"I meant what are you doing here? In my classroom," Aizawa smirked. You dropped the scowl but kept your arms crossed. 

"Oh... you meant that.... I kinda got lost on my way to the main office. The principal wanted me to meet everyone else before I make my rounds." You scratched the back of your neck, feeling antsy with his gaze keenly trained on you. I just can't get it right in front of this guy can I?

"Well you were going in the wrong direction entirely. I'm on my way there now so you can just walk with me." Aizawa moved past you and you quickly found yourself walking in stride with him. You hadn't noticed before, but the man's cologne smelled of rain and oakwood. It gave you an idea and you further enhanced your sense of smell. Focusing more, you could pick up on a few other scents. Fresh paper, deodorant, his lunch (pork and rice), and... kitty litter?

"Do you have a cat?" you asked inquisitively.

"Yeah I do. How'd you know?" He looked back at you a bit surprised.

"I can smell kitty litter from you," you explained with a bit of pride in your voice.

"Impressive..." Aizawa sniffed his sleeve before putting his hands in his pockets and allowed his stare to fall to the floor.

"Hey, I'm... sorry... that I kinda bit your head off before. It's just annoying that the new head of security seemed so unsure of herself." Aizawa half-grumbled. I guess he really isn't a mean guy. We just got off on the wrong foot.

"I'm sorry too. I'm... just not used to being around so many people. I promise that I'm going to be more confident about my role here from now on. You have my word." You stared over to him with determination blazing in your (E/C) eyes. The pro hero's gaze softened a little. He nodded and let out a small grunt of approval. Aizawa pulled open the door to what you could only assume was the main office and walked in without hesitation. You took a single, deep breath to calm your jitters and casually entered behind him. 

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