Chapter 1: First Day

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Hey! Welcome to my first story on Wattpad! I used to be on Fanfiction so I'm not super new to writing but I'd love to get positive feedback because I really want to improve! I'm currently really into My Hero Academia and since Aizawa is my favorite character I'm gonna make my first story about him! Just so you know, the words in italics are either sound effects or character thoughts.

As you probably already know:

(F/N) = First Name

(L/N) = Last Name

(Y/N) = Your Name

(H/C) = Hair Color

(E/C) = Eye Color

Warning: there will be strong language and sexy situations ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

Arrrrrrre you ready kids? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)

Click, click, click...

You tried desperately to keep your focus centered on the steady beat of your heels hitting the pavement. Against your wishes a constant stream of new information assaulted your senses. The rumbling of cars driving by, the chattering of other pedestrians, the blinding sunlight, the harsh odor of gasoline and garbage. It was all too much. Places like this made you hate your quirk, which caused all of your senses to be heightened. Your smell, sight, touch, hearing, and even taste was far more sensitive to stimuli than the average person's. Even though it allowed you to experience a world more rich in sensations, it was difficult to control in high energy places such as this one. It took all of your willpower just to steady yourself through the sea of overwhelming movement and noise.

Even more daunting, perhaps, was the complex where you now found yourself. UA, your new place of employment, stood looming. A towering mountain you must climb after trudging through the city swamp. The recent USJ incident had prompted the administration at UA to ramp up their security systems significantly. This included bringing on new personnel dedicated to keeping the school and its students safe. That's where you came in, the new Security Manager of UA, whose number one priority is student and faculty safety.

You took a moment to steady yourself before pressing the button by the gate intercom.

"State your name and business please" a female monotone voice sounded.

"(F/N) (L/N), and I'm the new S-"

"Come in" the voice interrupted, and the massive metallic gate creaked opened slightly for you to walk through. The imagery was more ominous than it should have been. A spike of panic shot through your chest. Get a hold of yourself, you're a professional. The anxiety was forced down for the moment.

A spot of white fur caught your attention. There standing straight in front of you was Nezu, the principal of UA, with his paws behind his back. The friendly smile he wore didn't seem to dissuade your nerves.

"Welcome (Y/N)! I'm so glad to finally have you here!" the small animal shook your hand gleefully.

"Thank you, I'm grateful that you chose me as the Security Manager sir. I will be sure to complete my duties to the best of my ability." Your voice was formal but a bit shaky. New situations like this always made you uncomfortable and on top of being thrust into the busy city life so quickly you felt like a fish out of water.

"Come this way please! Since we've already had an interview we can go over the details of your daily duties and have you meet the rest of the staff." Nezu gestured to the path that laid ahead leading toward the main administration building. You simply nodded in return before being led by the comically small principal.

The New Girl (Aizawa x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now