Chapter 11: Exhaustion

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Hey, sorry this took a bit longer than normal to finish. I'm currently doing interviews for jobs and transferring colleges so some chapters may take a bit more time to complete. Anyways, enjoy!

"Your place is so cute (Y/N)!" Midnight gushed as the two of you walked through the front door. You had just gotten back from a laborious shopping trip with her to find you a dress to wear to the teacher appreciation event in a few weeks.

"Thanks, it's not much but it's cozy. And it isn't noisy around here like the rest of the city is," you said as you put down your shopping bag next to the couch.

"Well, that makes sense with how sensitive your quirk is," Nemuri replied as she sat down on your living room couch. You made your way to the refrigerator to grab something to drink.

"Do you wanna beer?" you asked as you pulled open the fridge.

"Sure!" she grinned. Your hands grabbed two beers and you walked back to the living room. Nemuri took the drink from you happily before you sat down next to her.

"Soooo... what were you and Aizawa doing earlier?" she asked with a suggestive grin, making you blush at the insinuation.

"O-oh it wasn't like that, he's just teaching me to fight a bit." You opened your beer and took a sip to avoid explaining further.

"Oh, wow really?! How'd you talk him into that one?" Nemuri took a first sip of her drink as well.

"Well I agreed to help him grade his student's work at the end of my shift during the week," you explained. Midnight wiggled her eyebrows at you.

"So, you're all alone with him? Late at night? Together?" Your face grew even more red.

"No! I mean, yes! But it's not like that! We don't... do anything but grading!" you stuttered. Making moves on a teacher in your place of business was not something that appealed to you. Nemuri put her beer down and turned back to you.

"(Y/N)? Do you have feelings for Aizawa?" she asked. This time, she didn't seem to be teasing or making a joke; her eyes were sincere with no ulterior meaning behind them. If you were gonna tell anybody, you felt like she would be the one. You looked down, too nervous to meet her powerful gaze.

"Yeah," you almost whispered. Midnight gasped and smiled widely.

"No way! Really?! You two would be so cute together!" she squealed excitingly. You grin shyly and scratch the back of your neck.

"But I don't really know what to do from here. I don't wanna risk getting rejected and making things awkward at work." Nemuri placed a hand on your shoulder.

"Life is all about taking risks, this one is definitely worth it. Trust me." She gave you a wink and returned to sipping her drink.

"Thanks, Nemuri, I'll think about what to do." The night went on peacefully, with the two of you chatting care-free until Midnight decided to go home. You sat awake in your bed, staring at the ceiling and thinking of how to make your feelings reach Aizawa.


"Hey, I wanted to try something today. It'll help develop both your quirk and physical abilities." Aizawa's voice snapped you back to reality. It was your second weekend training with him and you were significantly more confident than last time. You raised an eyebrow, signaling for him to explain further.

"I want you to put this on," he said as he pulled a long black strip of cloth from his pocket.

"What?" You tilted your head in confusion, not understanding what the cloth was supposed to do.

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