Chapter 4: Bad Thoughts

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Beep Beep Beep

The blaring of your alarm clock sounded, and your eyes shot open. You let out a tired groan and slapped the top of the clock to turn it off. One of the drawbacks of your job was how early you had to get up. Fucking hell... I gotta get used to getting up at this hour. I need some coffee stat. You reluctantly flung yourself off your bed and stumbled still half-asleep to your small kitchen. In between sips of coffee you get yourself dressed for the day, deciding on a flattering white tank top with a gray cardigan and a pair of nice blue jeans. It was Friday after all, so you could dress a little more casual, though you doubt that anyone would mind if you dressed like this every day. You weren't sure why, but you felt like you wanted to wear something that flattered your body type today. After munching down on a breakfast comprising of eggs and toast, you put on your shoes and walk out the door.


"Morning guys" you greeted as you walked through the door to the teacher's lounge and spotted Yamada and Aizawa sitting at one of the round tables. You took a seat next to Aizawa, not quite sure how handsy Mic would get if you sat next to him. Since he had given you his phone number yesterday, he's been texting you a lot. Other than the couple flirty comments he made, you were pretty comfortable talking with him now. It was obvious to everyone including you that he found you attractive, but to be honest he wasn't really your type. Sure, he was handsome and talented and nice, but he just wasn't for you. You just hoped that after a few days of you not flirting back he'd get the hint and move on like Aizawa said.

"Mornin (Y/N)! How'd your first night on the job go?" Mic asked in a way that was far too energetic for the time of day.

"Well pretty good. Except you kept texting me while I was working, and when I was trying to sleep" You grumbled in slight annoyance, but also with a bit of jest.

"Sorry about that. I get a little too excited when I'm texting new people." Yamada scratched the back of his neck while giving you a sly wink.

"But we could always just talk in person y'know?"

"It's too early for this Hizashi. Leave the woman alone, she's obviously not into you like that." Aizawa hissed and glared at Mic, obviously aggravated from his lack of sleep. His sudden, unexpected outburst shocked both you and Yamada.

"Hey that was uncalled for! I know you didn't sleep much but that's no excuse for being rude!" you chastised. Aizawa stared back at you wide-eyed, clearly not expecting you to defend Yamada.

"No, he's... he's right (Y/N). I shouldn't... be like that if you don't feel the same. I need to go prepare some lectures, see ya guys later." Mic got up and walked out of the room, smiling but obviously a little disheartened. You felt bad for shooting him down, he's a nice guy and you really hope that the two of you can become friends in the future. But to be honest you were a bit relieved to not have to deal with his advances anymore; your face can only get so red.

"You're welcome," Aizawa muttered under his breath.

"I didn't thank you," you retorted and he rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry he'll get over it soon. He's got women all over him. You just have to be upfront. He's not the kinda guy that keeps pestering girls after they turn him down." Aizawa looked back at you lazily. I guess he actually does care for Yamada, in his own weird way. The huge bags under his eyes were just as bad as yesterday's.

"Did you not get enough sleep last night too?" You crossed your arms and leaned them on the table. Aizawa let out an exasperated sigh.

"Yeah, things ran late last night too." He stood up from the table to grab something from the nearby cabinet, but when he reached up he flinched and sharply inhaled through his teeth. 

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