13. Seduced By NyQuil

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"Peep, Peep, Peep, look! I can walk like a baby chicken!" 

I rolled up my long sleeve button up shirt as I sat on the back porch of what appeared to be my own home. A large two-story modern farmhouse painted white overlooking a few acres of land where there appeared to be separate pens for different animals and a large garden with a massive greenhouse. 

A relaxing cross-breeze ruffled through the little girl's soft waves of dirty blonde hair and her little cloud covered rain boots seemed to match the perfect blue sky. I turned my attention to the little girl playing with four small yellow chicks on the dirt path leading out to the garden.  

Quickly realizing by her the look of wonder in her hazel blue eyes and the features of her face that she was not just any little girl.

She was my little girl.

I laugh as she crouches down in her cotton white dress and tries to imitate the tiny animals' movements as if she could blend in without them noticing.

"Baby, you're going to get your dress all dirty if you keep that up," A voice said from behind me. 

I knew the voice.

It was her father's voice.

"I know that daddy, but I need to do this so chocolate, and vanilla, and peanut butter, and jelly like me!" Our little one attempts to reason with us.

"Only four years old and she's already a pro at making excuses. I wonder where she picked that up," Her father sighs and I and I couldn't help but laugh. 

"Come here baby, let me get a look at you," I call out to her and she pauses her playtime with the chickens to come into my open arms. Her flower crown brushed against my cheek as I took in her soft scent of fresh laundry and sunlight. 

"You're so beautiful," I tell her before relaxing my grip so I could kiss her cheek. 

"I know, you tell me that every day," She rolls her magnificent eyes and I just wanted to smack her for her attitude yet kiss her and cuddle her all night.

"Don't let anyone tell you differently," I say as I poke her little button nose with my finger.

"I won't, mommy," 

I gasp for air as I sit up in a dark and empty void with the only sound in the room being my fast-paced breathing. 

"Mmm, you okay kitten?" 

Thomas calls out to me in the dark and I reach over, turning on my lamp on my nightstand to find Thomas in jeans and a t-shirt, snuggled up with a throw blanket beside me. 

"I...I had a dream...and..." 

Something wasn't right. 

Something didn't feel right. 

"Hey, Hey, Hey calm down. Take a breath Matty, It was just a dream," Thomas says, quickly sitting up once he saw the panic in my eyes. 

"Something's wrong," I pant and quickly get up, rushing over to the bathroom. 

Nearly fainting when I pulled down my boxers and spotted the blood. 

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