Got a convoy out

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The next thing I knew I was being woken up from my beautiful sleep, told that Walker's have breached the perimeter inside of the sanctuary. Started freaking out thinking that they're actually up the stairs trying to get us. But Regina and Dwight have stopped them from getting up the stairs creating a barrier of the Dead walkers. I grabbed my guns as we all head over to the meeting area with Negan. Regina knocks on the door repeatedly as we finally here Negan respond to us. We all pile into the room and see Negan was talking to Eugene.

"We have the stairs. But the dead ones have the lower level. The whole thing." Regina tells him.

"Not much longer. See, Eugene has solved us a way out of this mess. And... he actually says he has a topper." Negan smile ear-to-ear.

"Yeah?" Dwight asked looking Eugene up and down. There is a lot of tension between those two. I wonder if it's because Top Dog against the rising dog. But then again men.

"I think I could fix the intercom system. Which, uh... would absolutely change the face of communications here." Eugene hesitates and looks down at the ground. That wasn't the answer. Seems as if he just didn't want to give the actual answer out.

"That's it?" Negan asked displeased.

"Sorry. That kind of thing, uh... well, cranks my shaft. I'll leave you to the last action item." Eugene says he walks away. Negan started rambling on to us but I wasn't really listening. I'll just hear it again later on. What he says I'll do. I just stared at Dwight.

"I suggest that we clear the lower level build a wall. Up until we find a new Sanctuary to go to. If that's optional. If Negan thinks that it is I believe that's what we should do." I say out loud not really paying attention to their reactions or could care about their answers. Whatever Negan thinks is right. Something was going on with Dwight and I couldn't figure it out. I don't understand what's going on with him.

"Harley." Negan calls me as I look back at him.

"Sir?" I call out as he smirks.

"You were dreaming again aren't you? Always do that Daydream and shit. Side effect I guess. What I was telling everyone including yourself but I guess I'll repeat myself just for you. We'll saying we're going to bomb the absolute shit out of everyone. We're going to break into teams I'm taking Alexandria. And we are going to put an end to this. Going to take one of the weirdest ones and kill them and then we're going to kill the leaders. The king, widow and Rick. I am going to be the one to smash Rick's mother fucking brains out. I'm done playing around. I'm done waiting. We're doing this now. They think they got the upper hand but we're going to take care of the lower-level just like you said. And then we're supplying up armoring up and heading out to kill some people. We are the saviors. We save our people." Negan yelled but had a satisfying look on his face. He chuckled at the end staring back at me for an answer. I nodded my head agreeing.

"Sounds like a plan." I smirk back. As Negan was telling the rest of his people. The rest of us core members were taking care of the lower-level Walkers. Making sure that we could get out safely.

After taking care of all of the Walkers I went back to my dorm change my clothes into a more doable War clothing. Went to the Armory and stocked up on some guns, knives and some extra stuff. Negan and a team head straight for Alexandria. Negan gets out of the truck and announces himself. He starts banging on the gate with Lucille. We do the traditional whistle.

"You may be wondering why the hell your lookouts didn't sound the alarm. See, we are polite. I mean, I don't know when they're gonna wake up from that kinda shit, but they should wake up. So let's just cut through the cow shit -- you lose. It's over. So you're gonna line up in front of your little houses, and you're gonna work up some apologies, and then the person with the lamest one is gonna get killed. Then I kill Rick in front of everybody, and we move on. You have three -- count 'em, three minutes to open this gate, or we start bombing the shit out of you!" Negan yells as we all whistle again waiting for the time to pass by.

"Two minutes, people! Dig deep. I want these apologies to be memorable. Bonus points for creativity. Work up a poem, sing a song. I love that shit." Negan snickers as I get out of the car and wait by him. 

"One minute! One minute!" Negan tells us and the people inside the gate. This is gonna be fun.

"Boss, send Harley over here I think we're going to need her." Dwight walks over. I look up at Negan who rolls his eyes.

"Can't deal with things as a Big Boy seems like." He tells me.

"Sure, I'll send your little girlfriend over." Negan chuckles telling Dwight on the walkie. He nods his head toward the direction to him. I rolled my eyes as I start walking toward their group.

"Hey." Dwight runs over to me as I see the wall.

"You should've pushed the trucks against the wall. Making sure that they can't go through it. And even if they did at least the trucks will slow them down." I study the structure.

"You're right. Was kind of too late to change that now." Laura walks up to us freaking out.

"Cars aren't gonna be enough, D. We should've had the trucks." Laura tells him.

"No, it'll hold. Just get ready for cleanup." Dwight grabs my hand pulling me away from the wall. Wait, how did he know? How?

"Well, I'll be damned. Come on! Let's get 'em!" D and I run straight to the SUV as the others shoot.

"Got a convoy out. We're on 'em." Laura yells through the walkie as we get into the cars. I rode with Dwight and Laura. We followed the cars and then seem like we lost them.

"Where did they go?" I asked looking ahead of the road.

"They couldn't have gotten far. Probably somewhere up here." Dwight spoke. After a few minutes of driving there was Smoke covering all over the road. It's definitely them.

"Stop the car." Laura spoke.

"I just want to take a closer look." Dwight said and instead of slowing down he was speeding up.

"D, stop the damn car! You're leading the trucks right into it! You're gonna get us killed!" Laura started yelling at him as I stared at him. I know exactly why he was acting strange for the past month or months. I know exactly how he feels about Negan. I know where his mind is set. He is indeed about to kill us. And for a second he was staring right back at me. He had apologetic face before the gunshots started hitting the cars.

We all pile out of the car and start shooting toward them. But it was too late. Too many men were getting knocked down. Dwight turns around grabs hold of me pushing me down to the ground and shoots our team.

"What the hell D!" I yell as I try to get back up. Laura walks around from the car and shoots Dwight as I stood in front of him.

"He just went behind our backs. He went behind our backs. Are you protecting him? Are you with him?" Laura screams.

"No! But you can't kill him. He's for Negan to deal with." I tell her.

"Stand down." Laura growls as I shake my head.

"That's why you didn't want to block the gate with the trucks. That's why you drove right up to this! It was you! All of it! You tell them to stop!" Laura points her gun at him.

"It doesn't work like that." Dwight said. He reaches across the road for a gun as gunshots bounce off the car Laura runs away. Dwight turns around aiming the gun at me.

"D." I look at him.

"Dont make me do this!" Dwight seem torn apart from the decision. It wasn't so hard if it was anyone else.

"Negan is gonna kill you." I go to run as he jolts forward slamming the back of the gun to my head. I felt my body slam against the concrete ground and that was that.

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