I get it now

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We get back to the building ad Daryl walks up to us. He noticed that instead of the cop, he came back with me.

"He wouldn't stop." Rick says. Well that's not the whole story but whatever.

"This change things?" Daryl asked.

"It has to."

"Maybe not." Daryl says.

"She said the plan won't work. The guy who did is dead. Maybe we gotta rethink this." Rick points toward the cops.

"They also said the cop in charge didn't have any love for him. Maybe you did her a favor."

"I don't know if they'll play ball."

"Let's find out." We walk to the cops as the woman spoke.

"He was a good man. He was attacked by rotters. Saw it go down." That was pretty good.

"Huh. You're a damn good liar." Rick says.

"We're hanging by a thread here. He was attacked by rotters. That's the story."

"You said the trade was a bad idea.
What changed?" Daryl asked.

"Lamson was our shot. So it's this or you go in guns blazing, right? You don't want that."

"If this is some bullshit you're spinning and things go south," Daryl starts but the girl cop cuts her off.

"I know. I know the good ones from the bad. Let us help you." She pleads.

"What about you? You wanna live? How much?" Rick asked the other cop that hit me in the head.

"Dawn's afraid she'll look weak in front of us. Thinks it'll tip things against her. Hell, it will. She'll see this trade as a rip-off if she thinks you took out one of our guys. So it's a good thing Lamson got aced by rotters." The guy says.

"Here's the plan." Rick says.

"Harley, how far can you shoot?"

"How far you want me to shoot?" I grin.

"That's what I like to hear. Alright, I'm heading to ground-level. We'll use the walkie talkies to communicate with the others and with you. The rest of you will go on the rooftop bring the two cops up there with you. Harley, I want you on the ledge. Things go wrong or if I need a bluff you shoot. The rest of you trade back and forth positions next to Harley. Someone walkie me when they get to the meeting place." We all nod our heads.

I grab Jays sniper and put a silencer on it. I grab the cop girl as Daryl grabs the cop guy. Noah holds the gun steady in case the cops try to run. Sasha and Tyreese were standing near the ledge. I trade with Tyreese.

"Alright, lets see what we got." I sit on the ledge in a comfortable position. Daryl walks over to me.

"You go ahead, Harley and I got this." Sasha walks back to the cops and sits on the ground.

"Lets see how good of a shot you are." Daryl smirks.


"Cop car, two cops. 1 minute." I look through the scope. Daryl rotates his finger as Tyreese tells Rick on the walkie.

The cop car pulls up with Rick walking up to it. Two cops raise their guns pointing at him. I could see him taking his gun out of his hostel and placing it on the ground. They talked for a few minutes as a walker stumbling over to the cops. I shoot the walker and aim the sniper back at the cops again. I look at Rick and see a smile form on his face.

"Looks like I wont be messing with you anymore." Daryl says.

"Same with you and your crossbow." I say back. Rick turns to us and waves his arm.

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