Play Carol. Be Carol.

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"I really do like it here. This place is HUGE and I can see some of us building families here. Is that what you thought?" Negan steps closer to me.

"You thought this place was safe enough to put your guard down. Get yourself knocked up and lay back." He whispers in my ear making me feel uncomfortable.

"Come on now darlin, you can do that with us too." I shutter as his breath tickles my ear. Daryl walks by and loads things up in the truck. His eyes met mine for a few seconds then walks past us.

"What do you see in that? Huh? What do you possibly see is so attractive in that? You have people like me and people like Dwight but you would rather settle with someone like that. Why? This is a real question so answer it. You won't hurt my feelings." Negan steps back. Letting me breath.

"Because, he believes life is precious. He can see the difference between a good guy and a bad one. He cared about me and saved me from people like you. He took care of Jay and I. I see hope with him. I see that he would do anything for me. That's how it works with us. You don't get it." I shake my head.

"What is it that I don't get?" Negan chuckles.

"Rick treats us like family. All of us. We are family. That's how emotionally connected we are. That's how we survive. You, you treat everyone as your slaves or minions. You will be outnumbered soon. Your people will turn against you. Its already happening and you know it." I tell him.

"You and your smartness." Negan wraps his arms around me. I shrug his arms off.

"What you got for me, Rick? Well, would you look at that? They were here after all. Funny how a little, Holy shit! Somebody's gonna die!, lights a fire under everybody's ass!" Negan chuckles.

"So, tell me, Rick -- which one of your fine folks almost cost Olivia the rest of her days?"

"It doesn't matter anymore." Rick says.

"No, it matters. See, you need to get everybody on board. Everybody. Or we just go right back to square one." Negan says as they shut the truck door.

"It was me." I say out loud. Rick and Daryl panic looking at me. Play Carol. Be Carol. You have to lie. I take a deep breath in and release.

"Your lying." Negan says. He steps forward angrily.

"I'm not. When I was going through the emotions I got worried. You know pregnant people over think and are too cautious. I hid the guns there just in case something happened. We get under attacked and steal our armory at least I have a few guns with me. For protection." I look Negan in the eye. It wasn't believable. I have to do more. I turn and face Olivia.

"I'm sorry Olivia that I took them. I didn't check in with you." I turn and face Rick.

"I didn't think it would matter." He nods his head.

"Please don't kill them over something I've done. It was my fault." I began to fake cry.

"Well, you'll learn your lesson when we get back home." Negan says. As he grabs my arm. I wipe away the tears and whimper here and there. Now its believable. We walk to the gates as I slow my pace with Ricks.

"Your pregnant?" He asked quietly.

"Yes." I sighed.

"Hell of a place you got here, Rick." Negan says as he grabs my arm and pulls me close to him.

"Give me a second." Rick looks past us. Negan turns and sees Michonne standing in the window.

"No." Negan smirks.

"Please, can you just give me a second?" Rick asked. Negan stands still and smiles down at Rick as Rick walks past us to Michonne in the house. Few minutes later Michonne and Rick come back. Michonne carry a deer and Rick carrying a hunting rifle.

"Look at this!" Negan takes the gun and examines it.

"I thought she was scavenging. She was hunting. This one never came inside. We kept it near the line." It was one of their guns.

"Look at this. This is something to build a relationship on. Good for you, Rick. This is readin' the room and gettin' the message. I've said it before, I'm gonna say it again. You, sir are special." Rick grits his teeth.

"Now that you know we can follow your rules," Rick starts.

"Yes?" Negan asked.

"I'd like to ask you if Daryl and Harley can stay." Rick asked.

"Not happenin'." Negan says quickly.

"You know what? I don't know. Harley will stay with me. She will never leave me. Gotta take care of her since no one else is. Maybe Daryl can plead his case. Maybe Daryl can sway me. Daryl?" Daryl stood their quietly. I knew he was never going to say he was Negan. He was never going to leave me behind.

"Well, you tried. Now what you got to do is get over that tall wall of yours and try harder out there. Earn for me.
Because we're coming back soon, and when we do, you better have something interesting for us, or Lucille, she's gonna have her way. I want you to hear that again. If you don't have something interesting for us somebody's gonna die. And no more magic guns." He says sternly.

"Arat, grab that deer. It's getting late. Let's go home." Michonne drops the deer as Arat picks it up and loads it in the truck.

"Man, I love a gal that buys me dinner and doesn't expect me to put out." Negan chuckles. Dwight rolls up on Daryl's bike and stops in front of us.

"You can have it back. Just say the word." Dwight says. Daryl kept quiet as Dwight revs up the engine.

"Harley hop on." Dwight licks his lips.

"No thanks." I squinch my nose up.

"Go on Darlin. Get on that bike and ride with D." Negan pushes me toward the bike. Dwight Revs up the engine as I get on the bike.

"Wrap your arms around him. Now." Negan says. Not wanting to I wrap my arms around Dwight. I wanted to kick my self in the head right now. Dwight revs up the engine as Rick looks at me.

"See you back home." Negan chuckles as we takes off.

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