The Deviant Girl

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A/N:I'm going to skip the first few parts because you should already know what happens.

Connor's POV

I arrived at Lt. Anderson's desk at the DPD. I was waiting for him,and in the meantime I decided to examine the place.When he arrived,captain Fowler called us into his office and explained that I would be Hanks partner.The two started arguing,and after a while,he furiously stormed out of the office,and I followed.After failing to cheer him up,I sat at a desk right in front of his,and started skimming through the deviant files.I stopped and came across one of an AX-400,charged with murder and abduction.I just couldn't help but admire her features.She had blonde hair in a neat bun,and crystal blue eyes.Her beauty was mesmerizing, and distracted me from looking at the other files.

Hank:Connor,I'm talking to you.What are your looking at ?

Connor:Oh,uh,just some deviant cases.An AX-400 is reported to have murdered a man last night.That could be a good starting point for our investigation.

I said trying to change the subject.


Kara's POV

I woke up and saw Alice still sleeping.I noticed the fire was going out,so I got up to revive it.I then went upstairs and found a jacket so I put it on to hide my uniform. I walked past a window and saw cop cars everywhere.I also saw a man and an android step out of a car.I needed to get Alice out of here.I quickly put the hood from my jacket over my head to hide my LED,and went downstairs.

A/N:Sorry its short, I have many ideas.I'm going to try to write the next chapter by tomorrow or Monday.Talk to you all later my candy cubs !

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