"Feisty. Just the way I like." He smirked and got hold of both my arms. I struggled to get out of his grip.

"You bastard! Let go of me!." I wiggled free.

"Not until I get what I want." He leaned in and aimed for my lips but I looked away, causing his lips to connect to my neck.

Just he did LICKED my neck.

Fucking disgusting!

I almost throw up. And I stomped on his foot. He loosened the grip. I heard his friends laughing.

I tried to run away but he grabbed me back again and just as he was about to kiss me again.

"What is happening here?." I heard that sultry voice.

Immediately, the guy let go of me and started to back away a little.

"Nothing Professor, my girl and I just had a misunderstanding." The guy replied simply.

"Hmmm. Miss Hawthorne?." She looked at me and raised that perfectly curved eyebrow.

"No." I sternly answer. "I don't know him."

"Professor---." The guy was about to explain.

"I don't want to hear anything from you Mister Evans. I will inform the board and surely I will make sure you get your subject withdrawal in all of your senior Mathematics and Sciences subject tomorrow." The witch said without emotion.

I even felt myself tense because that was a very harsh thing to do.

"But professor, I will be graduating and if I withdraw my subjects, I can't graduate for another year. I'm a senior--."

"Exactly. But it seems that you need to learn a lot from school. Either do that or I'm gonna send a dropout report." She said and smirked at him.

By God's grace please revoke the evil spirit thay possessed this woman.

"But I can't graduate---."

"Obviously." She said and laughed. A very wicked laugh.

The guy backed away and walked towards his worried friends.

"T-thank you." I muttered to her.

She just looked at me.

"Well, are you still aren't speaking with me?." I asked while frowning.


"Why?." I became so frustrated with this evil woman.

"Because we got nothing to talk about."

"Yes we have."

"Whatever you wanted to talk about, it was nothing for me. You are nothing but a snobby spoiled kid by your rich parents and you are here to raise your ego saying that you can make other people dance in your hand." She spat at me.

"It's not what I am!".

"Yes it is."

"Is this what you want?! Who the fuck do you think you are?!."

"Your Professor."

"Well Professor Clements, you fucking disgust me!." I spat back angrily.

"Well Miss Hawthorne, I don't care!."


"Go home kid."

That fucking hurt.

"Fine Wicked Grandmother Witch!." I stomped away and got inside my car.
"Fuuuuck youuuuu!."


"Fuck you!." She screamed at me.

I realized that I started breathing again.  I walked towards my car and leaned on the drivers side.

What should I feel about it?

I sped around the curve harshly and released a loud grunt.

I barely know why I feel this way. When I got back home, I took my burgundy out of the wine cabinet and poured myself a generous glass.

I took off my shoes and gently rest them on the coffee tablw not caring if I am wearing a dress.

I was battling with my mind until I heard my cellphone ringing on the bar table. It was probably 10 meters away from and I don't want speak with anybody right now. I let it ring and ring until whoever was calling can get the idea to not bother me.

When it finally stopped ringing, I let out a relieved sigh until my telephone begun to ring. I let out a heavy sigh and pick it up.


"I'm sorry if I bothered you. But I need to take an information from you Miss Clements."

"Who is this?."

"This is Police Officer Ronald Moore. One student in the University of Eldridge was involved in a car crash and she's under your class. We found your name and-."

"Which hospital." I demanded.

"Eldridge State-."

I didn't let him finish and just hung up the phone. I quickly got into my heels back and dash out my house like a firecracker.

I must have some overspeeding tickets over the mail but I diminish the thought as soon as I stepped out of my car.

"Eldridge student accident." I say hastily to the receptionist.

"Emergency room."

I walked fast towards the piling nurses and doctor and caught a glimpse of some blonde hair. The doctors were busy trying to revive the person on the hospital bed and all I hear is just the steady beep.

I felt my heart stop and I just stood there.

It can't be.

"Time of death, five thirty-seven."


Sorry for the long update.

I promise to update whenever I can.

My Professor's AffairWhere stories live. Discover now