Change That Attitude (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Lissy- "No"

Steve- "Excuse me"?

Lissy- "No. Im not going to do it"

Steve- "Go" I smacked her bottom twice. The team knew that she gets spanked

Lissy- "What was that for"? I said as turned and glared at him

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Lissy- "What was that for"? I said as turned and glared at him

Steve- "That was for not listening to me. Now do as I asked you to do"

 Now do as I asked you to do"

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Lissy- "No. Your not the boss of me"

Steve- "Excuse me? Im not the parent here not you"

Steve- "Excuse me? Im not the parent here not you"

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Lissy- "So"?

Steve- "Allyssa McKenzie McGarret Do What I Have Told You To Do"

Steve- "Allyssa McKenzie McGarret Do What I Have Told You To Do"

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Lissy- "Why should I do what you say,

Steve- "Unless you want me to get my belt. Do as i say. You have exactly 3 seconds. One"

Lissy- "But

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Lissy- "But...."

Steve- "Two"

Lissy- "Fine" i said as I stomped to his office

Steve- "Change that attitude young lady by the time I come" I said

Steve- "Change that attitude young lady by the time I come" I said

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Lissy- "Yes Sir"


Steve- I breathed in deeply trying control my anger

Danny- "What is up with her attitude"?

Steve- "I don't know. She has been acting like that since I told her that Catherine and I aren't dating anymore"

Lou- "Danny told is that you had to go get her from school. What happened"?

Tani- "Or do we dont want to know what happened"?

Steve- "Allyssa is suspended from school for being disrespectful towards a teacher"

Danny- "Let me guess she has attitude about it"

Steve- "Couldn't you tell by her love when we came in"? Of course she does Danny"

Junior- "Man I happy I'm not your son"

Steve- "Why is that"?

Junior- "You can get pretty intimidating McGarrett. Once we were questioning someone and they were getting on his nerves"

Tani- "Did he cross his arms"?

Junior- "Of course"

Lou- "I got to agree with him on this. You do get intimidating sometimes"

Steve- "What? Its all part of parenting" I said as I went to my office

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