spank me.

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"i can't believe you."

"i can't believe you."

"y/n." johnny sighs exasperatedly, throwing the keys down onto the kitchen counter, with a clatter.

"johnny." i simply mimick.

he scowls, slightly, and i blink at him through furious eyes.

"don't have attitude with me. you started this shit."

"i didn't start anything." i glare at him with squinted eyes, roughly crossing my arms. johnny can't fully see my facial expression because his own eyes are concentrated on the pitch black of his palms. "you're the one who decided to flirt with her, and allow her to put her hands all over you-..."

"she touched my shoulder!"

"that's not all that she did!"

"you did way worse."

"worse?" my mouth parted open in disbelief, eyes widening.

"no, no, look, i didn't mean it like that-."

"i know what you meant because you like the attention." i interrupt his statement. john swallows down a glob of spit, hearing him gulp. "but i don't know what you liked more-."


"what i did or what your ex-girlfriend, that you never fucking told me about, was doing."

"what the hell did you expect me to do?" john asks, baffled, taken back. "push her off?"

"yes!" i yell, with no hesitation.

"baby, i couldn't just-."

"yes, you could have!" i stomp my foot and i'm burning with hot fury. knowing that his pet names, make me weak, and he used it as an advantage.

the way he acted with mae back at his office. i was there to witness it all at the three story business building that he was working at but went there today to resign. mae, being his boss, ex-girlfriend, and the one that got him the job. just trying to convince him to stay, but every vein in his body told him he didn't want to. a jealously bubble bursted over again in my gut. he got angry at me for giving his friend a little attention, so that he still realized that i was there. mae didn't notice i was messing with it at all, her main focus was his face.

it wasn't even like he didn't give me permission. he fucking did and he liked the shit. she could've caught me doing it to him but she didn't.

the whole car ride back to his house was filled with complete silence.

i watch as he takes note of the way i am now. of my disheveled hair and his large shirt that i have on. the state of my face and my hoarse voice. a bain of guilt splashed onto his face.

"baby i had to talk to her, that's the only way i'd be able to leave. she's my boss."

"she was your boss, and don't baby me." i huff and cross my arms. "you don't call me that when i'm mad at you."

"i knew you were mad at me!" he shouts, as i leave the room.

i cross the kitchen and enter the hallway. he follows me like a lost puppy, hand grasping around my wrist, but i turn away from him and walk away once again.

the sound of john following behind echoes the empty halls and up the wooden stairs. my steps are loud and i show no emotion. he lives alone, only i come over, supposedly.

walking up the stairs, he's right on my tail. copying my every move, making me want to rip every piece of my hair out individually.

once i reach the guess room, i spin around utterly frustrated.

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