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"baby?" john asked. pausing as he brushed through my hair in the bathroom mirror. he annoyed me while i did my makeup, so he wanted to do my hair and omw had to let him.  he stood behind me as i say down in the white leather chair.

"yeah." he held the flat iron to my head taking small pieces and running in through my brown hair. knowing how to use it because he uses it on his own hair when he puts it up. he'd told me before he like my hair better when it's down.

"do you love me?"  insecure, i realized he was insecure. he never annoyed me while i did my makeup, i guess he just wanted my attention. like right now, he's done my hair before but lately he's been wanting to be around be every second. i'm not complaining because it should be that way. i had to mess with him a little bit, he did it to me. it's only fair.

"no, i don't." i kept a straight face. the flat ironed clicked off and fell shut on the marble counter.

"what the fuck who do you love then?" i looked straight forward into the mirror where he was. veins popped out of his neck. damn that hot, okay now is not the time.

"noah." noah centineo. johnny despised him. i'm a certain magazine competition fans voted for who was hotter. it was between many other people but johnny won. people are saying noah is hotter and that johnny didn't deserve to win. noah, posted it about it on instagram revealing that he should have won over anyone. noah and johnny weren't on good terms, a lot of beef going on. i watched a movie that noah acted on called to all the boys i loved before, johnny walked in and got mad at me. his eyes brows furrowed as he backed away from me.

"bro then why the fuck are we even together. this has been a waste of my damn time my damn time." he stormed off. think you to this a little to far. i knew he would take it to heart but i didn't know it would be this badly. i flipped my hair out of my face, quickly making my way down stairs to catch up with him. my small hand grabbed a hold of his bicep, but he shook it off.

"baby please." i begged. his jacket in his hands, picking up his keys and phone. about to leave me all alone.

"don't baby please me. go call noah baby, since you love him so much. maybe you'll pay him attention, maybe you'll treat him better than you've ever treated me. you've made me feel like i'm not good enough, when i go out of my fucking way for you. since you love him so much, then shit go be with him." never knew he felt that way, he didn't communicate this kinds of things with me. i know he's my boyfriend and i should be able to read him. at times it was hard to, because he didn't let me.

"no johnny i'm begging you." i pulled a fist full of his shirt, he kept walking slamming the front door in my face. i twisted the knob running outside, seeing the black car about to pull off. i beat hard on the glass of the window.

"where are you going?" i asked, he read my lips picking up what i'd said. he lazily shrug his shoulders and backed out of the cement drive way almost running over my feet.

maybe if i call mer, she will know where he's at. johnny was close with his mom and he always told her every where that he went.

"hi mer." the phone finally picked up. i went inside to get my keys. getting in my car as i slowly drive down the road, i didn't follow him because i wanted to give him his distance to think. i drove slowly as i talk to mer, so that i can ease me way into asking where johnny is.

"hey sweetheart." she replied, sounding like she was a little busy so i just got to the point.

"i'm sorry to bother you but would you happen to know where johnny is?" i asked.

"yes actually. he called me not to long ago saying that he was with hayden. is everything alright?" the phone line echoed in my ear as i turned the corner. hayden's house wasn't far.

"everything is fine. thank you for telling me, he just forgot some of his things and i couldn't get a hold of him." red light taking forever. last summer playing in the back ground. johnny never liked anyone in out relationship business, not even his family. i agreed not to tell anyone, i had to lie to her.

"alright darling. i love you and you take care." she was so caring of me, of everyone. i admired that about her the most.

"i love you too and same to you." i hung up the phone. rolling the volume knob to the right, making the volume higher i couldn't lose him.

i knocked hard against the door of hayden's house. it opened up to the dark blond, green eyed boy is been looking for. he sighed at the sight of me.

"what do you want? i left because i didn't want to be around you and you still find..." i covered his mouth with my long finger. he rolled his eyes at me.

"it was a joke babe."

"it sure as hell didn't sound like one." he mumbled against me finger. he has jaw clenched, not even facing me. i removed my finger from his mouth.

"it was. what do i have to do so you know that i only love you." i placed my hand on his side, my thumb caressing his waist line.

"so you truly only love me?" he began to grin. a grin that i missed seeing more than anything. i stood outside, he closed the door behind him standing with me.

"you know i do. i was only messing with you because you do it to me all the time." i smiled up at him. "i love you endlessly. no one can take your place ever. i'm sorry if i don't give my baby boy any of the attention that he deserves okay?" my hands moved underneath his shirt by his back.

"let's go home. you can show me just how much you love me."

going to school. i finished this just as i was about to get out. talk to you guys later. i love youuuu.🖤

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