Chapter 40

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"Love and happiness don't exist in this world," Gucci said as he aimed the gun at her stomach. He didn't want her dead, he wanted everyone around her dead. After he killed her twins he was planning on finding Brianna and Jade to kill them.

Beyoncé closed her eyes and cried silently, "Mommy loves you," she whispered to her twins.

Pow! Pow! Pow!

Brianna dropped the gun and ran to Beyoncé's side. She took off her shirt and used it to apply pressure to Beyoncé's wound.

"You killed him?" Beyoncé smiled as she slowly blinked her eyes.

"I did," Brianna chuckled, "I killed him."

"Watch after my babies for me?" Beyoncé asked as she held onto Brianna's hand.

"I'm not because you're gonna make it. We're gonna get you to the hospital and you will make it," Brianna said trying to refrain from crying.

"You were always so positive," Beyoncé laughed as she tried to breathe.

"Help! Someone help!" Brianna yelled as she noticed Beyoncé losing consciousness.

Dave came in holding his side with Tommie helping him walk.

"We have to get her to the hospital, she doesn't have much longer," Brianna cried.

"Let's get her in the car. Where's everyone else?" Dave said.

"I know Jacob took everyone else to safety, as for Nicki, Jayceon, and Brandon, I don't know," Brianna answered.

"I'll find everyone, y'all get to the hospital," Cube said.

"Thanks, man, we really appreciate it," Dave said.

Tommie drove as fast as she could to the hospital. Beyoncé was aware of her surroundings but she couldn't hear anything. It was silent.

Beyoncé began to silently cry because the numbness was subsiding and she was beginning to feel everything.

"We're almost there Bey," Brianna said but Beyoncé couldn't hear a thing.

Eventually, they made it to the hospital and they put Beyoncé on a stretcher. They put an oxygen mask over her face and pushed her through the halls.

"These babies have to come out or they'll die," a doctor said.

"Her family said she's six months, they're premature and will die whether we take them out or not," another doctor argued.

"It's better to try then to not try at all so page OB and make sure this woman or babies don't die."

Dave walked into the prison dreading the news he was about to break to Jay.

"Wassup bro," Jay said dapping him up.

"Wassup," Dave said.

"What's going on? How did everything go?" Jay asked.

Dave looked away and sighed, "It didn't go as planned."

"What you mean? Gucci still out there?"

"Nah, he gone. Brianna handled him but he did manage to do some damage," Dave said.

"What happened?" Jay asked.

"Jayceon gone, he took two to the chest. Nicki is going through it, mind you she's in the hospital too cause she got hit. Brandon is gone as well so you know it's taking a toll on Bey," Dave explained.

"Damn, that's crazy," Jay said in disbelief, he couldn't believe Jayceon and Brandon died, "What about Bey and the kids? Are they ok? What about Brooklyn?" Jay asked. He had so many questions. He hated that he was in prison while his family was on their own.

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