Chapter 25

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"Oh, he's here, already?" Beyoncé said.

"Who's here to see me?" Brianna asked.

"Is that my little nugget?" Brandon said coming from the kitchen looking at Brianna.

"Who's he? Who are you?" Brianna asked.

"Brianna, this is, Brandon, our father."

"Jade take your things and go watch tv," Brianna said then turned to, Brandon, after Jade did as told, "I don't know who this man is but, he ain't my father. A father takes care of his, provides for his, keeps them safe," Brianna spat.

"Brianna," Beyoncé said.

"Don't, Brianna, me. He ain't done shit for me, for us, but cause problems in our lives. He is the reason for everything that has happened to us. If he wouldn't have went to prison mom wouldn't have killed herself, we would've never gone to those terrible foster homes, you wouldn't have gotten raped almost every night, and most of all you wouldn't have had to turn to the streets which has caused tremendous problems for us. Fuck him!" Brianna said angrily.

"I know I haven't been there, and I'm sorry but, you need to have a little more respect for me," Brandon said.

"Respect? Fuck you, and fuck respect!" Brianna yelled, with tears in her eyes "I don't owe you anything. I might show a little respect if you gave me back 5 years of my life, or if you can take away the memories I have of mom dying, or when she tried to drown me. So until any of those things happen you are dead to me," she said before going to where Jade was.

"She'll come around, I know she will," Beyoncé said.

"Are you sure? I didn't expect her to react like that. I thought she'd be happy to see me," Brandon said.

"She's been through a lot."

"I thought that was very rude of her, she needs to respect her elders. That's what happens when you have no home training," Brandon's wife, Yvette said.

"It may have been rude but, everything she said we went through was true, that wasn't even half of it. We've been through hell, and since you want to talk so much about respect, show some, because you're in my home, and I'll be damned if you talk down on my sister like you know where we came from, and what we've been through," Beyoncé spat before heading to the kitchen to start dinner.

Beyoncé wasn't really a fan of, Yvette. She only dealt with, Yvette, because she was married to her father. The old Beyoncé probably would've shot her instantly but, the old Beyoncé was gone, at least for now.

"So are their any leads on Gucci's whereabouts?" Brandon asked as everyone ate dinner at the dining table.

"Not in front of Jade," Brianna said.

"Mommy I don't want this," Jade whined as she picked through her food.

"I don't care. Eat," Brianna said.

"Uncle Rocky would've got me pizza," she mumbled.

Brianna was about 2 seconds away from putting her hands on Jade but, she had to remember she was just a child, and she didn't understand the situation with Rocky, "Eat your food, I don't want to repeat myself, if I do things will get ugly, you understand me?"

"I understand ," Jade said sadly.

There was an awkward silence but it went away once Jay walked through the door.

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