Chapter 18

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Manhattan, New York

"Brianna wake up we need to leave now," Beyoncé whispered as she tried to wake Brianna up.

"Where are we going?" Brianna asked as she rubbed her eyes.

"No time for questions just put your shoes on and let's go," Beyoncé rushed.

She was fed up living in this foster home, it was terrible. It was time for Beyoncé to get Brianna and go.

Brianna put her shoes on and took Beyoncé's hand as they headed to the bathroom. It was currently 2am and it was the perfect time to leave being that everyone was asleep.

Beyoncé opened the bathroom window and threw the few belongings they had out the window. Being that their room and the bathroom was on the bottom floor of the two story home they were able to leave easily since the ground was right there.

After Beyoncé went out the window she pulled Brianna through.

"Are you ok?" Beyoncé asked Bri as they began walking.

"I'll always be ok as long as you're around," Brianna said making Beyoncé smiled.

After walking for a good 10 minutes they stopped at a McDonald's and Beyoncé called a cab. Beyoncé had about $500 on her, $150 was from working and the rest she stole. They lived in Anaheim, California so she had the cab driver take them to a motel in Los Angeles.

"How much for 3 nights?" Beyoncé asked the woman at the desk.

"$125," she said.

Beyoncé handed her the money and she handed Beyoncé the key.

"This isn't as bad as I expected," Beyoncé mumbled to herself.

"I'm sleepy Bey," Brianna said.

Beyoncé put their things down and helped Brianna into the bed.

"Get some sleep," Beyoncé said kissing her forehead.

"Are we gonna get in trouble?" Brianna asked softly.

"No. Just as soon as I figure things out you'll be back in school and we'll be living our best life," Beyoncé answered.

"What if they find us?"

"I promise you they won't. As long as you're with me you'll be safe and protected no matter what," Beyoncé said.

"I love you," Brianna mumbled.

"I love you too."

"Beyoncé wake up," Jay said shaking her as she tossed and turned in her sleep.

Beyoncé jumped up quickly drenched in sweat. Beyoncé looked at Jay and began crying.

Jay pulled her into a hug and let her cry in his chest, "It's ok. Everything will be ok. We'll find Brianna and everything will be back to normal, I know it will," he said trying to comfort her.

Beyoncé missed Brianna more than anything. She promised her sister she would keep her safe and protect her but she let her down and Beyoncé hated herself for that. Beyoncé didn't love herself, she couldn't live with herself which is why she struggled so much. She was thankful for Jay, he loved her when she didn't love herself, he loved her when nobody else didn't, he held her when she was crying and depressed, and that's why she kept him around. Her not loving herself kept her from marrying Jay, and she hated that because she loved him.

"What time is it?" Beyoncé asked after about 5 minutes of crying.

"12:05 and our flight leaves at 2:30," he said.

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