Chapter 28

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"Can I get ice cream?" Jade asked her parents as they walked the streets of New York.



"Jacob she can't have everything," Brianna said.

"I know but, who can say no to that face?" Jacob said as Jade made a puppy dog face.

"I can."

"Bri just this one time," Jacob begged.

Brianna rolled her eyes then eventually agreed to let Jade get ice cream, "You will not spoil her rotten, Jacob."

"I won't, I promise," Jacob smirked then kissed her cheek.

"You're the best daddy ever," Jade said as they waited in line for ice cream.

"You're the best daughter ever," Jacob smiled.

Brianna smiled at Jacob and Jade. They were literally the same person, Jade was a reflection of Jacob, aside from looks. Jade looked like Brianna but, she had Jacobs' personality and attitude. She was so lucky to have them in her life, together. She just wished there wasn't a time gap, she wished they could've been together from the start.

After they got their ice cream they sat down and ate. Jade and Jacob had cookies n' cream while Brianna got caramel.

"Jacob you are such a kid," Brianna laughed when she saw the ice cream all over Jacobs face.

"Jade has ice cream all over her face," he said.

"I'm 5, what's your excuse?" Jade said.

"My point exactly, stay here, I'm gonna get some napkins," Brianna said getting up.

When Brianna got the napkins she turned around, and bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry," the guy said.

Brianna recognized his voice, "Trey?"


"What are you doing here?" Brianna asked.

"I could ask you the same thing. Everyone's looking for you, or whoever you are. I'm not really sure," he said.

Brianna was nervous more than ever, and Trey could tell.

"It's ok, I won't say anything. Your secret is safe with me," Trey smiled.

"Is everything ok?" Jacob asked coming up behind Brianna.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Just a friend from Nevada," Brianna said.

"Those tattoos look nice, who did them?" Trey asked Jacob.

"The tattoo shop that I work at. The owner, Beyoncé, did them," Jacob replied.


"Yeah, my sister. She's a really good tattoo artist," Brianna interrupted.

"Your sister? I knew you looked familiar the first day I laid eyes on you."

"You know my sister?" Brianna asked.

"Yeah, we go way back," Trey smirked.

"Mommy, I'm done!" Jade yelled from the table.

"We have go, nice seeing you again," Brianna said.

"You ok?" Jacob asked once they left the ice cream shop.

"I feel like I know him," Brianna said in deep thought.

"You said you know him from Nevada."

Brianna stopped walking "No. Stop. Wait... He knew Bey. If he knows Beyoncé from a while back, that means I know him."

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