Smoker- Protection

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NO- it's not that kind of protection! -for you dirty minders! ;) but that could be an idea 🤔

"Oh shit!" I panicked as the firey hotel me and my group were in started to break down and collapse.
"Okay!" Nick groaned as the floor shook beneath us "i am going to STRANGLE whoever suggested to be on the top floor!"
"Not the time" I grabbed his shoulder "we need to-" I got interrupted as we heard a loud crack followed by a scream, I turned around to see that Rochelle and coach were no longer in sight
"Oh my god!" Ellis screamed as I looked through the hole in the floor "I can't see them! Are they dead?!"
I squeezed my eyes to prevent any tears coming out, I need to stay strong for them
"For now we have to assume they're dead and find our own way out"
" how could you say that?" Ellis looked at me in disbelief"
"I don't like what I'm saying either, but it's either two of us or all of us" I coughed as smoke started to fill the hallway "all we can do is assume and focus on us"
"Okay" Ellis sighed sadly
"Alright we need to get to the stairs" I told them "hurry!"
We went to the end of the hallway and saw the entrance to the stairs, nick and Ellis went down a few steps. However before I could make my move, a part of the ceiling above collapsed and blocked the entrance to the stairs
"Goddamnit no!" I heard nick faintly
"Guys" I spoke with a shaky voice "it's okay, just keep going I'll find another way out" I tried to reassure them
"No way I'm not leaving!" I heard Ellis yell
"Go!" I yelled, I heard faint footsteps growing more distant, all I could hear now was roaring flames and the hotel trying to hold itself together.
"Okay easy" I spoke out loud to the hotel "take it easy"
I ran to a window and used my bat to break the glass. I looked down to see exactly how high up I was
"Well, I'm fucked" i sighed, I jumped and looked behind my to see the floor is starting to collapse, I stood as close to the window as much as I could panicking, I climbed out the window and stood on the crumbling ledge.
I felt the strong wind violently hitting my body sending violent shivers all over.
I looked up at the sky trying to keep myself calm, then all of a sudden I felt light as the ledge beneath me collapsed and I felt myself falling, but before I could react something of an odd texture wrapped around me and I felt myself swinging over to the next bulking that's next door to the hotel, I hit the wall hard and the world I saw was now dark.

Time skip~~~ whole body feels like it's on a cloud, I'm so much pain yet I feel so comfortable
My eyes slowly morphemes, allowing me to adjust to my surroundings, I realised I was lying on a thick blanket in an office. I felt a searing pain at the side of my head, my fingers lightly touched where it hurt and there were little drops of blood
"Shit" I mumbled to myself
I leaned up which just caused more pain to occur but I tried my best to ignore it. After a few attempts I managed to stand up, my legs were ready to collapse.
I turned my direction towards the window and saw nothing grey dull smoke hovering everywhere in the air, I couldn't see any colour, I stumbled to the window and saw the hotel I was once in collapsed and is now nothing but rubble.
"Coach, Rochelle" I cried, I leaned against the window trying to get a better view of the hotel
...Maybe nick and Ellis managed to get out in time...
As I looked at the rubble lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice that there was a tall intimidating figure standing at the door way.
I heard a familiar kind of smokers cough that instantly brings me back to reality.
I turned around swiftly and went to reach for my gun but I couldn't feel it anywhere.
"Shitshitshitshitshitshit" I panicked patron all over my body. I raised my fists ready for a fight, hoping I could block of its tongue.
The smoker walked closer and I was about to charge until it held it hand out, I gasped and stood dazed as I saw my gun in its hand. It let out another cough and gestured for me to take it.
I took a small step forward and snatched the gun from the creature. I loaded it and aimed the pistol at its head. I just stood there, my finger on the trigger, but it did nothing, the smoker just stood there.
I heard a growl coming from the hallway and I hesitantly walked past the smoker, keeping my eyes on it, I took a quick glance out of the door and from nowhere a hunter is in the air.
I felt everything go slow as I saw his razor sharp nails getting closer to me.
Before I could raise my gun the smoker stood in front of me and grabbed the hunter whilst it was still in the air, he dragged it back into the room we were in and smashed it through the window, letting it fall all the way down.
"Oh my god" panicked falling to the floor
The smoker stood by the window to ensure that the hunter actually fell and not gripped on to a ledge.
He then stumbled over to me and offered his hand.
I looked at him with nothing but shock and confusion, my whole body was shaking and to be honest I was terrified. I slowly but gradually grabbed his hand and he pulled me up
"Thanks" I stuttered, knowing he probably can't understand me anyway, but i received a nod in response
"Wait can you understand me?" I asked
I received another nod.
"Are you not going to try harm me?" I asked
He shook his head and I felt relieved, but still unsure
I know what I'm about to do is stupid and is probably pointless.
"Do you think" I spoke up "do you think you can help me find my friends? I'm not sure if they made it out of the hotel in time but I need help finding them, if you're really on my side then please help me" i begged
Look at me, begging a smoker for help, it's not like he can help me, he'd probably try kill me before we leave the building...what am I doing?
I received a nod in response and I scurried out of the room and out of the building with him

Time skip~
"Damnit!" I cursed as i balanced on some rubble "they have to be here somewhere! They had to have made it! They had to!" Panicked, there was smoke clouding my vision wherever I looked, I could barley see a thing, some of the construction is rumbling
"I have to find them" I cried
I flinched as the smoker placed his hand on my shoulder. I swiped it off and turned to look at him
"Don't do that" I told him "I'd probably blow your brains out by accident thinking you're another Zombie"
I received another nod and a cough following after
The more I searched the more the smoke got thicker, I found my self coughing and wheezing struggling for air. I felt a tongue wrap around me and pull me backwards, I found myself pressed against the smokers chest,
It's firm, damn...
he's quite tall so he was basically carrying me with his tongue
"No! Put me down!" I wheezed as he started to stumble quickly away from the rubble "I have to find them" I gasped
After a good few minutes he managed to walk far enough from the hotel so there was no more smoke trying to block our air supply, I eventually gave up squirming and decided to catch my breath, I hung tonight to his chest, basically hugging him.
It's strange...I've never felt so protected and safe.
until he stopped walking.
"Can you let go?" I asked unamused breaking the silence, not wanting to be wrapped in his tongue. I felt it starting to slide if my body and I squirmed
"That's gross!" I flinched, "its better when you just bash it or shoot it off!" I forcefully pulled the tongue away form my body.
I could only see half of his face but he looked amused...amused, he's showing emotion?
"Yeah you're finding this funny but in the one covered in zombie ,tongue -saliva shit"
I straightened up my clothes and held my weapons in my hands
"I guess I can't search for them there, that smoke ain't going away for a while...a long time" I sighed "we'll have to search the area, if they did make it out I doubt they stick around here, but they must be close since they could be searching for too"
He nodded and we started to walk down the road, further and further away from the hotel
Once I find nick and Ellis...what will happens to the smoker? He hasn't killed me, he's been helping me, he protected me from the hunter and stopped me from suffocating...what if nick and ellis just shoot him?
-wait! Why am I bothered?! It's a smoker, a zombie, it's crazy if he'll stay with us...yeah...

I'm so sorry for the long wait, I just finished this chapter and uploaded it in the library in my college 😂 in glad to be writing one shits for this book again and part two will be up as soon as possible! I hope you enjoyed!

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