Nick - I Need You

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Warning: Attempted suicide if you do not like this content I suggest you read another chapter.

I sighed as my shuffled down the path lugging my gun, there were loads of tents on each side of the dirt path that I passed until I finally reached mine. I reached in and pulled the cloth to the side to allow me to enter but before I did I turned my head to see nick jogging with a group of other soldiers, they just got back from their run getting supplies and investigating the zombies more to figure out how to get a cure. I stayed standing outside my tent looking at nick and his group as they passed me and we made eye contact, making everything around me go into slow motion, he broke contact first and looked forward causing time around to catch up with itself, I shook my head and entered my tent.
Whilst nick goes out on patrol I decided to stay in the camp and volunteer to help around like maintenance with the guns, putting up more tents, repairing armour etc. After what happened before me and nick found the military I can't bring myself to go back out there.

I dropped my gun carelessly letting it hit the ground, I sat on the edge of my bed and rested my head into my hands.
Before Me and nick got rescued we had been arguing a lot, we've always been fine with each other but since...since their deaths, everything has been different.
It's my fault that they're dead and I know that, the guilt eats me up
Every. single. day and with each passing day I feel myself slowly sinking deeper and deeper into the pit of depression and I can't find my way out.

Two weeks earlier
"Hey guys, I ever tell you about the time Keith and I-"
"Hey Ellis?" Nick sighed
"Yup?!" Ellis smiled
"How about you tell us about the time you shut up!"
"Lighten up nick" I smiled as I walked up to the childish men with ro and coach.
"Okay guys" coach began "we need to leave this town asap"
"I couldn't agree more, the place is infested more than any other place we've been to" ro stated
"Great, then lets go" nick told us as he picked up his gun and cocked it.
"Wait!" I interrupted
"Argh! What now Yn?!" Nick groaned
"Were low on food, i don't know about you guys but starvation isn't a way I wanna go out in a zombie apocalypse"
"She's got a point" coach agreed "we need food"
"Yeah! And there's a grocery store about five minutes from here-"
"Nope I'm not going" nick shook his head
"What? Why?" Ellis asked
"Because this town is infested with the things! And that place is asking to become their lunch! I'm waiting here"
"Me too" Rochelle nodded "two of us should stand guard here"
"Good idea" I nodded "coach and Ellis! You're with me" I smiled as I exited the safe room

Nick POV
Yn and the others have been gone a good half an hour now and it shouldn't be taking them this long...not that I care or anything.
I stood leaning my back against the wall with Rochelle standing next to me.
"Sooo Nicky!" She broke the silence "what's with you and Yn?"
At this pointed I was choking on air and once I managed to regain myself I turned to her
"I've seen the way you look at each other sometimes" she grinned "you like her"
"No" I turned my head away
"Oh come on! You do"
"Fine...she's a little hot maybe" I mumbled
I heard her gasp "that's not the reason stop trying to play it cool I know you genuinely like her!"
I groaned out of annoyance since she won't shut up when we finally get a chance to have some peace and quiet
"And how would you know?" I gritted
"No one looks at her the way you do, you don't like her love her~" she sang "it's the end of world! Just ask her out already, because getting rejected isn't the worst thing can happen, there are tons of infected out there waiting to take that chance away"
"No way" I shook my head completely forgetting to deny that I don't even like her
"Nick just like Yn always says...
'take the risk or lose the chance~' "
I looked down realising that loud girl may have a point. However my thoughts were interrupted by a ear piercing scream.

Left 4 Dead x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora