Ellis- Growing Distant, Brought us Closer

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The army failed us. Even they got over and run by the military. After me and my group made it to the helicopter on the other side of the bridge, we made it to a safe area and it took a while for us to adjust, but when we finally started to the base got over run, the only safe place we knew...was gone.
However, all wasn't too bad, we ran back Into the folks we came across at the bridge after we escaped the mall, we all decided to stick together and we had our own base, we had protective walls, we took in any survivors we found of the streets, we had a thriving community...of 13 people.
It's shame we couldn't do this sooner.
I was on my way to the meeting room that consisted of my group and Louis, Francis and Zoey. We talked about trying to upgrade our protection and the security, once it was over half of us left and some of us stayed and held our own little conversations, I was talking to Francis- well I was listening to Francis rambling on about the things he hates, which I find really entertaining, but this time I couldn't concentrate, my eyes couldn't stop wondering over to Ellis talking to Zoey, they both seem to be having a good time together... the way he looks at her sometimes, it tears my heart to shreds, Ellis likes her, it's obvious but Zoey doesn't know, I've had a crush on Ellis ever since we were back at the hotel, but it's too late to tell him now, his heart is set on someone else. I saw Ellis finish up his conversation and he left the room. Nick called me over to where he was sitting and I made my way over to him
"Oh no, I know that look" i sighed "don't tell me"
"Yep, it's your turn to go out and look for any survivors" he stated
"Wait 'your' turn?" I asked "what about 'our' turn? You know, because your my partner for going on runs with?"
"I can't but Ellis can go with you if you want, so you two can get up to some-"
"No!" I interrupted covering his mouth "I poured my heart out to you telling you about my crush don't go spreading it around like the goddamn virus!"
"You know I'm kidding sweetie, besides my leg hasn't fully healed from the last time we went out, I'd just slow you down out there, so you can pick whoever you want"
"Right" I agreed "god I'm feeling tired now just thinking about going out there and doing work...moving"
"Your laziness will get you killed one day, wether that's by the zombies or by me. By the way if you see any food don't hesitate to grab it, even if it's out of date"
"What? I thought we were good on food"
he gestured for me to bend down to his level and I did, then he started to talk much quieter so no one could hear
"after this week were going to be that low on food were going to have to start splitting rations, so in other words some of us will have to take turns going the evening without any food"
"Okay, I'll take Wednesdays" I joked
"Yn this is serious" nick signed
"Geez" I shook my head "it's getting that bad?"
"Mhm" he nodded "and I don't want it to come to that, so do your best out there okay?"
"Got it" I smiled standing back up "I'll bring us food back!" I saluted making him laugh slightly
"Easy there fireball"
I left the room and made my way to my room so I could prepare for the mission, I grabbed my gun, a health pack, pills and a jar a puke...lovely.
I set them all on my desk and I laid on my bed
"Who should I bring with me?" I asked myself "there's no way I can go alone, maybe I should do what nick suggested and ask Ellis to come with me"
it'd be nice to catch up with him, I haven't talked to him In a while since I've been busy helping around the site, making sure everything is in order and we're still secure.
"But what if he doesn't want to come?" I rolled over on my stomach and hugged my pillow "it'd be so embarrassing to get denied like that...argh! What should I do?!"

After having inner conflict with myself for ten minutes straight I decided to go to Ellis' room to ask him.
Once I got there his door was already slightly open, I pushed it open a little more and I saw him on the floor doing push ups...without a shirt on.
"O-oh I'm sorry ellis" i stuttered, he turned his head to look at me, he got on his knees and stood up, turning his body to face me
"No worries Yn" he smiled as he wiped the sweat of his forehead with a cloth "what it is it you need?"
There was No reply. No words came from my mouth, I was too busy being trapped in a day dream looking at his abs, holy crap he's more toned than I thought!
"Hello?" He laughed slightly snapping me out of my day dream
"Sorry" I blushed "um, i-it's my turn to do a run tomorrow, er...oh geez what's wrong with me?
I'm looking for survivors and food since we're going to be low on it soon, b-but nick is still injured from our last run and I was thinking...maybe, you could join me on t-this one?"
"Sure Yn" he smiled "it's the least I can do for ya, when are we leaving?"
"Tomorrow morning" I replied with relief
"Great ill see you then" he smiled
"Yeah" my eyes wondered down to his six pack, then i snapped myself back to reality "tomorrow!" I stumbled away to my room...smooth Yn, real smooth what a charmer.

The morning after me and Ellis went on our run. Our runs usually last around 4 days maximum to ensure we find as much supplies as possible.
Our first day went swell, we found a lot of food, enough to keep us going for months. We decided to rest up in a house for the night.
"Alright that should do it" Ellis told me "no infected should be able to come in unless we hear"
"Good" I sighed in exhaust "because I can't lift anything else my muscles aren't as big or strong as yours" I laughed, he blushed slightly at my comment but I didn't notice
"Goodnight Ellis" I smiled as I made my way to a bedroom upstairs
"Goodnight" he smiled back I placed my gun and my other supplies on the bedside table next to the bed, I threw my self onto the bed and I let my head hit the pillow
"I love beds" I told myself as I let the world around me fade to darkness.

Ellis P.O.V
I made my way upstairs after having a drink, I wandered the hall way checking the rooms for a bedroom, I opened another the door to reveal Yn sleeping soundly in a bed, I couldn't help but smile to myself.
She's so pretty, I've liked her for awhile now, I've been asking Zoey for advice on how to ask her out but I'm scared of what she'll say...she's always been close with nick, what if she doesn't even like me? I gently closed the door trying my best not to make any noise and went into the other bedroom I found.

Reader P.O.V

The morning after we decided to head back with the all the food we got. Everyone was pleased with our work
"Good job" nick patted me on the back "you'd should go with Ellis more often"
"Yeah" I looked down
"What is it?" He asked
"Look" I gestured to where Ellis was, he had his arm around Zoey laughing away.
"I think you're looking too far into this" nick suggested
"But what if I'm not?" I looked up at nick with tears filling my eyes "I've lost him haven't i? I waited too long"
"Yn...don't cry" nick looked sympathetic, which is a rare sight
"I'm sorry" I sniffed "I'm going back to my room" I told him as I walked out which earned me a few lances from people...including Ellis.

As I left the room I walked outside and made my way to mine until some one called my name
"Yn stop!" Ellis called out to me, I stopped and wiped my tears as Ellis ran up to me "damn you're a fast walker"
"What do you need?" I smiled facing him
"Why were you crying?" He asked "we've done a good job you should be enjoying yourself"
"I wasn't crying" I replied, now he stood right in front of me and our bodies were almost touching
"Yes you were, what is it you can tell me" he placed his hand on my shoulder
"I like you okay?!" I pushed his hand off me and took a step back "hell I could even go as far to say that I love you! But there would be no point!"
"What? Why-"
"Because you love her instead! You love Zoey, you've loved her ever since you first laid your eyes on her"
He stayed silent for a moment "yeah, I admit it, when I first saw her I thought she was cute, but I've liked you too since back at the hotel, I tried to tell you i liked you but I couldn't, and then I saw you getting close to nick and i thought I lost you to him, but even when i tried hitting it off with Zoey it never worked!" He stood I didn't of me again and held me firmly by my shoulder bringing me close "all i could think about was you! So I've been asking her for advice on how to tell you that I liked you but I was still too nervous to tell you"
"No but it's true, Yn, I love you-"
I grabbed Ellis behind his head and I pulled him into a deep passionate kiss, and it got even more passionate when he kissed back, he slowly wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Wow, guys you're hitting it off well" we heard nick say, we broke apart and Ellis turned around to reveal nick standing there
"Pervert" I grinned whisky blushing "hey don't blame me you're the ones who are kissing in the open"
"He's right" Ellis looked at me "shall we go to my room?"
"Definitely" I smiled,
"You take care of her man" nick told Ellis
"I will, I promise" he nodded and walked off with me, we went into his room and shut his door and we kissed once more
He took his top off and his body was pressed against mine
Goddamn he's rock hard I thought, and NO! I mean his abs! Not the other thing...well whatever happens after is up to your imagination, but you could say you guys did a lot of 'catching up'

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