Ellis x Reader Lemon

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Word count: 1606

"Ellis!" I moaned "you won't fit"
"Just give me a second yn! I've got this, it's just that the gap is too small!" He grunted
"Ellis" I sighed as I walked up to see him trapped under a gate
"I told you, you won't fit under that" I laughed
"Fair enough, you win" After a few more trys of pushing and pushing he eventually surrendered and un-wriggled himself and stood next to me "so what do we do now?"
"We can't just give this store up, you can see through the windows that they have loads of supplies that haven't been touched"
"Yeah but what can we do? There's no getting under that gate"
"Yeah but we really need these supplies" I inspected the gate and realised something about it, I growled to my self as I went up to it, I bent down and pulled up a latch and pushed the gate open, I looked back at Ellis slightly annoyed
"Really" I stood up "really ellis?! You couldn't have tried this first?" I couldn't help but giggle a little knowing he missed it
"Hey! You can't be mad at me you didn't see it there either"
"Yeah but you didn't see at all" I countered "and at least i saw it eventually, you wouldn't have spotted it even if you tried"
In the distance we both look back in the direction we came as we heard a faint roar telling us that a herd was nearby
"now!" I clap my hands together "let's get what we can before there will be too many zombies for us too handle"
He nodded his head agreeing as we ran inside
"You know" he panted as we ran "if I collapse from all the running we've done today I'm blaming you!"
"just run!" I laughed

Eventually we got inside the store, and we locked the doors so nothing could get in
"Wow" I said as I took in the view on how big the store was "this place is quite big, fairly decent" I didn't hear a reply of Ellis so I looked at him behind me "Ellis?"
"Huh?" He snapped out of his daze "yeah beautiful indeed"
"were- were you just looking at me now?" I smiled
"what? wait what?! no! of course not Christ Yn keep your head in the game here were looking for supplies not seeing who stares at who!" I laughed as he walked past me,
Suddenly we heard a loud bang coming from the entrance
"oh god" zombies were piled up at the entrance "how will we get out?" the glass started to crack
"we need to get out of their sight or they'll never leave"
we gathered a few supplies then suddenly out of no where the zombies broke throught he glass and started to run straight at us.
"holy shit!" i screamed, one grabbed a hold of me but Ellis pulled me out of its grasp, ripping my shirt during the process
"in here!" he yelled as he pulled me into a room, we shut the door ad barricaded it,
"a store room, huh" i looked at Ellis "such a romantic" I winked, Ellis turned red "ellis, i was only joking"
"no, your shirt" i looked down and saw that basically only had scraps of my shirt left, leaving my upper body exposed
"oh well" i said as i started to look around, I've been with Ellis and his group for a while so I'm comfortable around him and the others
"here" he tapped my shoulder, I turned round and saw him topless and my face went beet red
"o-oh, thank you" I stammered seeing his chest and muscles "wow"
"...ow... I said, I er, I hurt my ankle when going up those stairs" I laughed slightly
"whatever just get the top on" he smiled

...1 hour later...

we sat down in the corner of the room as the zombies were still banging on the glass
"when will they leave" I pouted as I leant my head on his shoulder


I flinched as we heard the zombies piling into the store, ellis wrapped his arm around me holding me close, my head leant against his chest and i felt his warmth and his heartbeat
"its okay I got you, ya got nothing to worry about" he smiled at me, I looked into his eyes and I quickly kissed him on the lips. once I pulled away I looked anywhere that wasn't where he was.
"sorry, i- well, i don't want to be that guy but, we hardly have any ammo and..no weapons, the other three are god only knows where and those zombies aren't clearing out any time soon, we'd probably starve before they do"
"Yn..what are you saying?"

"I love you ellis!" i looked at him "i...love you, and i want you to know that before one of us died"

Deadly silence filled the room, all that could be heard were the groans from the zombies downstairs, i stood up and i was about to go to the other side of the room until he grabbed my wrist, pinning me to the wall gently but firmly.
his hands on each side of me so i couldn't get away
-not that i didn't want to-
before i knew it his soft lips were touching mine and i couldn't help but kiss back, each kiss started to get rougher and rougher each time, the more rough it got the more hot it got. he slowly lowered me down onto the floor and got on top of me. he pulled away and i took this chance to catch my breath as I was taken aback. he moved lower down and started to kiss down my neck, I let out a few moans until he sucked a little sharp on one spot and i let out a more satisfactory moan, he started to nip and trace his tongue over the area making my knees weak and my breathing heavy
"e-ellis" I breathed as he lifted his own shirt over my head and started to kiss down my stomach. his warm breath against my sensitive skin sent shivers down my spine. i ran my fingers through his soft hair gripping it lightly. he came back up to me and kissed me again as his hands started to travel to my jeans
"you're so beautiful" he breathed as we kissed i took this chance to let my hands wander themselves and felt his muscular back and abs and i pulled him closer to me wanting him more. slowly he pulled my panties of as well as his boxers. he positions himself at my entrance and i gulped hard.
"it will only hurt for a little bit but it'll get better I promise" i nodded trusting him, he rested his forehead on mine as he slowly slid into me, it hurt a little bit but after a few minutes my moans of pain turned into pleasure with every thrust
"o-oh god Ellis" I moaned, my whole body feeling like it will explode "please, faster" i breathed, he obeyed me and trusted faster and harder making my moans louder, he rested his head next mine and I felt and heard his heavy breathing into my ear which just turned me on more.

He pulled out before anything could happen and pulled me up and gently pushed back against the wall, he picked me up so my legs were around his waist as he inserted into me again once more. his head rested on my neck and i leant back against the wall, he thrusted harder and at this point our heads were resting against each other
"ellis, I'm going-" he did a few more hard thrusts and i felt the knot in my stomach explode and my body was weak

"oh god" he breathed in my neck "i love you yn" he pulled out and we both got dressed and made our selves comfy on the floor, I sat up and looked at ellis ruffling my hair a little
"that was- er"
"amazing?" he finished smiling as he sat up and wrapped his arm around me
"yeah that" i smiled panting "amazing" i looked at him, then i realised something "hey, you hear that?"
"i don't hear anything" he replied,
"exactly!" i smiled as i ran to the door and opened it with a bang "holy shit!" i smiled as i saw the other three members of our group
"ABOUT TIME WE FOUND YOU!" nick yelled
"I'm so glad you're here" i thanked as we all stood in circle
"hey ellis why the hell is yn wearing your shirt?" nick laughed
"long story" i replied for him, i ran off a minute and came back with a clean, stainless shirt,
"a gift" i smiled as i gave ellis the shirt
"why as a gift?" nick asked
"because he taught me how to have a good time when stuck in a store room" i smiled and I walked off, ellis turned red following behind me
"wait what?" nick asked confused "what the hell is that supposed to mean?!" he asked "hey!" he and the rest followed behind as I laughed in the distance

Thank you so much for reading, sorry this took a while this is my first lemon I have wrote and
I thought there should be a small build up to the scene rather than getting straight through just to try make it more effective- I hope you enjoyed!!

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