Ellis- Arachnophobia "i'll protect you"

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"Hurry into this house!" Coach yelled as we ran from the undead hordes. We all stumbled onto the he pitch and me and Rochelle shot the zombies whilst the boys tried to kick the door open
"It's not opening!" Nick yelled in frustration as he kicked the door.
"Yn? What are you doing?!" Rochelle panicked as I stopped shooting the horse and stood beside the boys.
"Here" I grunted as I took nicks axe and swung at the dirty window beside the door. "Everyone get in!" I commanded as they climbed through the window one by one.
"After you" Ellis gestured and I quickly climbed in as he followed behind.
Once I climbed through the window I fell onto the floor below with Ellis landing next to me. He pushed himself up and he offered his hand to me, I gratefully took it and he pulled me up.
We dragged all the furniture we could to border up the window that I had smashed.
"Alright, let's clear the house of any zombies and see if there is anything else that would need bordering up" coach commanded, we all nodded and explored the house.

Time skip
"It's almost pitch black outside,, we should probably get some shut eye" I suggested as I approached my group who were sitting in circle.
"Are we all going to sleep in the living or are we just going to sleep in the separate rooms where there are beds" Rochelle asked
"Beds." Nick butted in "definitely the beds"
"Hold on nick" Ellis looked at him "shouldn't we all be in one room? I mean what if the zombies break through it special infected comes in whilst we're sleeping"
"Well then I guess it's best for it to attack one of us instead of all of us at once without warning" nick told him
"Okay" I spoke up "we'll sleep in pairs"
"But one of us will be alone" Rochelle said
"Yeah, I'll go alone" I suggested "i have a feeling that I won't be getting much sleep anyway so I'm going to be awake I might as well not have a partner"
"If you're sure about that" coach smiled
"I am" I smiled back
"Okay, so who is pairing with who?" I asked
"Nick!" Rochelle spoke up quickly "ahem..." she put on a calmer tone "I'll go with nick, if- you know it's good with you two" she gestured to coach and Ellis
"Sure" coach grinned as Ellis and I let out a laugh.

A few hours Later...

I sat up in my bed ruffling my hair slightly frustrated that I couldn't sleep, my eyes slowly wandered towards the lantern that was placed in the middle of my room making it dimly lit.
Then my eyes widened in horror as I felt my world stop and collapse around me.
I completely froze as I saw a huge house spider quickly scattering past the lantern.
I started to sweat and feel hot.
I need to get out of this room I thought as I stood up, my knees started to become jelly and my breathing became more heavy and quick as my heart pounded against my ribcage.
However only after taking a few steps the flame in the lantern started to die out and the room started to become much darker within each passing second.
Then it happened, i stood there in complete darkness...terrified, I was frozen and I couldn't move.
All of a sudden I felt something on my leg and I let out a small scream as I swatted my hands all over my leg and I darted back to my bed and held my knees close to my chest crying to myself.

Ellis POV
"Ugh" I groaned to myself as coach's snoring got even louder than before, I swear he was making the room shake.
I can tell he is In a deep. I rolled my eyes as I placed my head in my hands.
The room I was in was next to yn's and since she was alone I feel like I should check up on her, I should have offered to share a room with her instead, maybe then I would have at least gotten some sleep.
My eyes widened as I heard a small scream from yn's room, I heard a whimpering and running footsteps.

Reader POV
I hugged my knees tighter as I tried to calm myself down.
Why now? Of all times! Can't it just be a horde of zombies instead?!
My head shot up as my door swung open and a small dim light entered my room.
"Yn?" Ellis whispered lushly with worry
"Are you okay?" He rushed over to me and sat beside me, I kept my face buried in my knees sniffling.
"Hey" he spoke gently as he placed a hand on my arm "it's okay I'm here"
I slowly look up and Ellis gave me a warm gentle smile.
"Ellis!" I cried as I jumped at him to hug him. I pushed him backwards so he was laying on his back and I was lying on top of him. I wrap my arms around his neck as his wrapped around my back and waist in a protective manner.
"It's okay" he rubbed circles on my back "I gotcha, ain't nothing to be worried about, what's troubling you?" He asked as he sat up straight.
however I still stayed sitting on his lap as I kept my arms securely around his neck.
"I'm sorry" I muffled into his shoulder as a small area of his shirt got wet from my tears. He grabbed my shoulders and slowly pushed me back so he could look at me but he kept me on his lap
"I need you tell me what's wrong" he told me
"It's...it's stupid" I spoke quietly as I lowered my head
"You can tell me" he smiled reassuringly
"It was...well" I started to feel my face heat up from embarrassment as I realised I probably overreacted...were in a zombie apocalypse, the world has ended and I'm panicking and crying over one spider. "It was a nightmare" I lied.
"Come here" he sighed sympathetically as he pulled me into another hug "what was it about?"
"I don't want to talk about it" I mumbled
"Okay, but does it have anything to do with that spider over there?" He pointed, I pulled away and looked behind me on the floor to see the same spider crawling near the lantern Ellis had placed down
"NO!" I panicked I squeezed Ellis as tightly as I could out of fear
"Yn, relax it's okay, look" he told me as he sat me on the bed, he crouched down by the spider and scooped it up into his hands
"You're arachnophobic huh?" He turned to me, I nodded and I slowly shuffled backwards as Ellis walked towards me, I felt my back hit the wall and Ellis sat on the edge of the bed
"Come look at it" he spoke calmly
"What?! No!" I cried "Ellis please! Get it away!"
"I know it's bad for you but I learned that a way to get over a phobia is to just look at it, by just simply staring at it can help you a little" he opened up his hands and I saw a glimpse of his eight legged friend
"No!" I creed pushing my back into the wall even more "I've tried everything! But nothing works, please get it out" I whimpered. I heard another sympathetic sigh as I heard footsteps leave my room, around half a minute later they came back and I heard my door shut
"It's gone" he spoke softly
"Promise?" My voice was muffled due to my face hiding in my Hoodie
"I promise" he spoke as he sat on the bed, is lowly lifted up my face and I sat next to Ellis "is your arachnophobia really that bad?" He asked
"...yes" I avoided his gaze "it always has been since I was a little girl, my parents tried everything to help me get over my fear but nothing worked"
"But you know those type of spiders can't hurt you, they're just getting along with their lives"
"I know that you fool!" I looked at him "there is no point, people have always tried to turn the tides to make me feel sorry for the spider and that 'it's more scared of me than I am of it' which just makes me feel even worse when I have to kill them because of how scared I really am"
"Yeah...I know the feeling, just not with spiders" he muttered
There was a silence in the room before I decided to speak up
"My step dad...he always used to criticise me about my phobia...he would say how 'it isn't a big deal' or 'what are you so afraid of?' I would answer his questions if I even knew the answers myself"
"So, you can't explain why you feel this way?" He asked
"No...well I can't, maybe it's the way they move, how they look, I don't even know why I'm so afraid which makes me feel bad about having to kill them when no one is there to remove them because I don't even have a valid reason if why I'm scared...I just am, there's no explanation"
"So...and I know I just got a pretty good idea of it about 5 minutes ago but how scared of spiders are you? Just outta curiosity"
"Well...I freeze, I panic, sometimes I would even cry if it's really bad"
"Just how bad are we talking?" He asked
"Well, before this whole thing Started, I was up at late...maybe four in the morning, I won't go into much detail but there was a huge spider and I was in a small room, I was on the phone to my boyfriend crying and shaking from how terrified I was"
"Geez that bad?" He asked shocked
"That's not even half of it" I sighed
"...wait, did you say boyfriend?" He asked sounding a little hurt
"Well ex. A few days after he broke up with me because he thought it was pathetic at how scared I was and he didn't have the patience to put up with me, he did it over text to" I rolled my eyes.
"I'm sorry" he comforted me by wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me into his embrace "if I was your boyfriend I would never have done that to you...Er! Not because we don't have technology or anything! But because I care about you ... a lot!" he uttered quickly as I let out a small laugh.
"Thank you" I smiled into his toned chest
"For what?"
"For helping me...hell let me be trapped in a room with an undead horde but dear god don't let me trapped with a spider" I laughed and Ellis laughed with me. I looked up and I started to feel a warm and fuzzy sensation in my heart, I placed my hand on the back of Ellis' neck and I pulled him into a deep passionate kiss.
I felt him tense up a bit since I took him by surprise but eventually he relaxed and kissed me back with just as much passion. Things got heated and the kiss became more rough I pushed Ellis so he was laying on the bed again as I climbed on top of him without breaking the kiss.
Eventually we parted as we needed oxygen and I came to my senses realising that I was sitting on top of Ellis
"I'm sorry!" I blushed madly "that was-"
"Out of no where?" He smirked
"Yeah... I'm sorry"
"Don't be" he laughed lightly as his hand caressed my cheek
I gasped as I remembered why Ellis had to come in here in the first place
"Wait Ellis! What if there are more spiders in here?" I panicked
"There won't be, but if there is, I'll protect you I promise. From now on I'll always be by your side, day and night and I'll always protect you"
"Ellis" I cried as I hugged him tightly, I pulled away by our faces stayed close to the point our noses were almost touching.
"Wait..." I interrupted Ellis putting my finger on his lips, I heard a faint noise coming from the room next door "is...
Is that snoring? Who's doing that?"
"Coach" Ellis laughed "I couldn't sleep because of his snoring"
Ellis lightly grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me closer until I spoke up
"You should go back into him if he's asleep, what if the infected get in?"
"Relax, we can hear his snoring right? As long as he's snoring he's alive and besides, the infected would make a LOT of noise and not all of us are heavy sleepers like coach, he's safe"
"Well...okay" I grinned as his grip on my collar tightened. Ellis pulled me into another heated kiss. Our tongues battled for dominance and of course he won. I felt my hands travel underneath his shirt and my hands roamed all over toned upper body, our lips finally parted and we lightly panted getting some air, I felt my hands travel down his stomach until I reached his belt
"Let's wait until we find a house with thicker walls" he grinned as he lightly grabbed my hands " 'cus we'll need them" he winked
I climbed off of him as he rested his head on his pillow, he opened his arms to me and I laid on top of him resting my head on his chest, feeling it rise and fall comforted me and the feeling of his muscly arms wrapped around me made feel safe and secure
"I'll protect you"

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! I recently had an encounter with a spider as an arachnophobic it weirdly inspired me to write this chapter.

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