Hunter- What are you?

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Word count: 2614

What are you?...

Reader P.O.V (your narrating your story from your perspective)

I was sitting on the edge of a roof top, the was wind gently flowing through my hair, my eyes watered, but nothing came out of them, out of everyone who saved me, to make me fall for them, love them, had to be... one of the special infected...
I Miss my group, I wish I didn't have to leave them, but I had too, for their safety, I wonder where they are now...

You don't know my group? Well, let me introduce them to you, incase you don't know them already, Ahem...
We have asshole(nick)
Burger King (coach)
jimmy Gibbs jr. (Ellis) and

Yeah.. haven't come up with a nickname for her yet. Don't give me that look I'm on it! Anyways it's been a long day, someone saved me today, they did the unthinkable, incase you don't know what I mean, here's the story....

30 Minutes Earlier...

"Wow look at all of those houses" i spoke up
"We should check em out" Ellis suggested
"Sounds like a good plan, okay.. Coach and Rochelle, take those two houses, I'll take those two houses there, y/n and Ellis, take those two over there, we meet back here in 30 minutes " nick commanded
"Hey why do I get stuck with y/n? Why don't you go with em nick?" Ellis joked
"Hey!" I yelled and Ellis burst out laughing
"Yano I'm joking sweetie"
"Don't call me that" I said annoyed
"Call ya what?"
"That!, SWEETIE... Don't. Call. Me. Sweetie"
Ellis started to clutch his stomach whilst doing the silent laugh
"Alright sweetie calm down, and I do better on my own Ellis, okay let's move" nick commanded once more
I sighed in defeat and walked to one of the old worn out houses with Ellis,
"Okay, this will probably take us some time if it's two of us in one house, if we wanna make this quicker we should split up, you take that house 'n I'll have this one"
"Hey why do I get the house that looks like i could uncover a dead body?!" I looked at Ellis, he just looked back, I raised my brow, he still didn't get the message. I face palmed "Ellis... I don't know if you have noticed, but we're surrounded by bodies, were kinda surviving a zombie apocalypse and we killed zombies no longer than 5 minutes ago!"
"Oh yeah, but they are zombie corpses, I'm on about someone who hasn't turned, that shit aint right" Ellis wandered into the house, once he disappeared from my view I went into my house, I turned on the flashlight and let my eyes wonder,
I heard a loud noise coming from the back garden, I slowly creeped through the dust covered blood stained house and creaked open the back door, there was a tank with his back towards me,
"Shit!" I whispered, I quickly but silently shut the door and slid down with my back against it, hugging my gun as close as I could,
I heard Ellis enter the front door screaming and I mean SCREAMING, that he finished searching the house, he came into the kitchen and i tackled him to the ground covering his mouth with my hand, I put my finger on my lip to signal him to shut up, but it didn't work, we heard an all to familiar roar that no survivor in the apocalypse would want to hear.
"Shit it's a tank?!" Ellis yelled, I got up and grabbed ellis' hand and pulled him out with me, we ran as fast as our legs could carry us, we ran out the door and jumped of the porch, we ran too fast that we both fell over in the middle of the street, we both look back at the house,
suddenly the front door flew over us and into another house, we see the tank banging on his chest in front of the house, nick and the others run out to us.
"Really?! Out of all the goddamn zombies in the world, it just has to be the goddamn tank!" Nick yelled
"The safe room ain't far from here, come on!" Coach yelled, nick pulled me up whilst coach helped Ellis up and we all started sprinting towards the safe room dodging as much cars that were being throw as possible
And Due to the tanks incredibly loud roaring, it attracted a horde of undead. We were so close to the safe room, but the undead is on top of our asses we wouldn't be able to close the door and they would get in, after a lot of thinking, I knew what I had to do,
"Guys, no matter what happens, promise me that you will keep running, don't leave the safe room until you know every last infected is dead"
"What?" Rochelle yelled back
"Okay! We promise!" Rochelle spoke up
"Y/n whatever you're thinking, I don't like it, stop thinking it" nick yelled, I pulled out a pipe bomb and threw it behind me which led the horde away from us, they blew up, only leaving the tank, they all got in the safe room yet I stood outside the door. Looking at them.
"Y/n man get your ass in here" coach pleaded
"The tank won't leave guys, and I ain't risking your lives, I brought him onto us, I should lead him away"
"Y/n no! Don't! It was me who did!" Ellis ran towards me, but before he reached me I slammed the safe room door and shot the lock,
"I can't get out!" Ellis yelled
"Y/n!" Nick gripped onto the bars that made up part of the door, he had worry in his voice, I felt so much guilt, but I'm doing this for them.
I turned towards the tank which was really close
"You want me? Come and get me mother fucker!" I yelled and ran off as far as I could away from my group, I was sprinting, as fast as I could I ran down an ally way only for a wall to be in the way
"Of course" I whispered to myself
Unfortunately the tank reached me and smashed me into the wall, I hit my head hard and the world around me started to fade to black, the last thing I heard was another zombie roar, great more special infected, exactly..what...I...need...

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