Francis- Late Night

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My name is Yn, Yn Ln, I was currently walking through a deserted town with my group who consists of Bill, Zoey, Louis and...Francis, damn I loved that biker, his muscles, his tattoos, his voice, his personality, he never fails to make me laugh or surprise me with his skill with guns...Ive had a monster crush on that man since the first couple of days his group found me...I just wish he'd realise my crush on him, I've tried dropping him hints many times and it hasn't worked

"I hate zombies, I hate bridges and I hate boats" Francis started to complain as me and my group wondered down the street
"Francis" bill sighed
"but I do love..." he carried on

Please say me, please say me, please. Say. Me.

"The apocalypse!" He finished, I mentally groaned to myself
"Francis" I started "you like the apocalypse but you don't like the zombies that are basically the apocalypse?"
"No I hate the zombies, but it allows me to use guns with no laws, no police, it's amazing!"
"I figured as much" Zoey sighed
"Okay we should go in this house and barricade it the best we can, we can rest up for the night" bill commanded
"I was convinced that rest wasn't even a real thing anymore" I laughed with Zoey
"Come on let's get to work" Louis said

After we barricaded the house we all decided to sleep in the same room upstairs incase any special infected got in.
"Dibs on the blanket" I said as I walked into the room holding a blanket where everyone was sitting
"Where did you find that?" Louis asked
"in the other bedroom" I answered "it's a little worn but it's durable"
"I hate worn out things, they're useless" Francis complained
"besides" I continued "I can't handle the cold, one breeze and I'm shivering like I'm in the North Pole in just a vest and shorts" Louis laughed at my statement and we all tried to get settled.
There wasn't much for us to sleep on so we all just slept on the floor, I slept near Zoey because we were friends and she wanted talk more about my crush on Francis before she went asleep- and by talk I mean tease and question if I'm sure that it's actually Francis who I like.

When everyone else fell asleep, I myself decided to try to fall asleep but I heard a faint noise coming across from the room, I leaned up slightly and looked around to see everyone asleep, but someone was shivering, and it was Francis. Should I share my blanket with him? Maybe he doesn't do well with the cold like I do. But what if someone saw? I'm not known for sharing acts of kindness unless it's helping my friends up, healing them, or protecting them...okay so I'm kind. But it'll be embarrassing if they watch!

I was sure that bill and Louis and Zoey were definitely lost in the world of Z's.
I could still make out Francis slightly shivering, I don't know why but it's weird to hear him like that, like he's vulnerable, and that ain't like Francis, but I haven't got to know him all that well despite my crush on him. I got up and quietly walked over to Francis, he was even shaking a little from the cold
I kept hovering the blanket over him but I kept pulling it back to me scared of what will happen...wait- what's the worst that can happen? He wakes up?

"God Yn you've been killing zombies for how long now? And you don't even have the guts to offer a team mate a blanket becuase he is cold and he ain't even aware of it because he's asleep which should make it a WHOLE lot easier!"
After having my little rant to myself I finally gathered up the courage to gently place the blanket over Francis, making sure the blanket covered all of his body except for his head, I quietly lied down next to him. God no wonder Francis was shivering in his sleep. I don't have warm clothes on either and without that blanket it's freezing. I turned on my other side so my back was to Francis and I pulled my knees to my chest trying to keep myself warm
"why did I do this?" I whispered to myself
I started to shake a little from the cold, however I froze when I felt the blanket cover me
"You really don't like the cold do you?" I heard a rough voice whisper from behind me. I turned on my side to face Francis and our noses touched
"I'm sorry!" I whispered loudly as I moved my head away a little, but I still had to stay close so we both had the blanket
"Shh, you'll wake the others" he told me "you didn't have to give me the blanket you know"
"Yeah I know" I looked down "but you were shivering and I felt bad since you were the only one cold"
"You're too kind hearted" he told me "it'll get you killed"
"Please" I grinned "I can handle myself"
"I know, you're pretty good with that shotgun you used, you should use them more often" he suggested
"Okay, I will" I replied blushing, he noticed how good I was with a gun?
I started to shiver a little again still trying to block the cold out
"you're still cold?" He asked "here"
He suddenly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his relaxed but muscly, toned, stiff chest so we were cuddling . Okay I admit at this point I was just pure red, but can you blame me? No, it's weird to see Francis doing this.
The warmth radiating from his body was comforting and the way we were cuddling and how he held me like he was protecting me made me want to kiss him so badly. However, I started to shiver a little more.
"Really?" Francis sighed "you know, if you don't stop shivering" he suddenly pulled me on top of him so I was straddling him "I'll have to make you warm up another way" he smirked
"Francis! The others" I whispered embarrassed "what if they're awake?!"
He then got up and pulled me with him downstairs away from the others
"Francis what are you?-" he gently pushed me against the wall and kissed me softly but with passion, the more we kissed the rougher it got, but I pulled away
"Francis" I panted lightly "if we're doing this, I want us to be a thing, I don't want this night to be thought of as a mistake the morning afterwards"
Francis sighed and kissed me on the forehead, it's weird because Francis is a tough biker and he acts so manly but when he shows this affection it's like he's a whole new person
"I hate confessing" he whispered "Yn I want us to be a thing, I have for awhile but I've been too scared to lose you to the zombies, but ill continue to protect you every way I can possible, i want to be with you"
"Okay who are you and what have you done with Francis?" I laughed
"Oh so you want the other Francis? Okay" he laughed but then acted serious, he started to kiss all over my neck, once he found my sweet spot he started to suck it, I let out a soft loan and it drove him to do more, since he was taller than me he easily placed his knee between my legs right beneath my lower region and started to press his knee against it, I birdied my face in his neck trying to muffle my moans, he picked me up bridle style and laid me on the sofa...I know we were meant to spend the night resting but I could honestly say this was worth losing sleep over.

"Wake up love birds" I heard a chant, drift through my ears. My eyes slowly opened to find myself lying on top of Francis who was lying on the couch, the blanket was over us. "Oh my god" Zoey spoke up as I sat up "did you guys do it?!"
"What?" I asked turning red, it's too early for this.
Me and Francis stood up letting the blanket fall of us
Everyone gasped and closed their eyes and we just looked at the weirdly
"What?" Francis asked
"Oh, we were expecting you to be naked" Louis stated but you got your clothes on
"Of course we do!" I told him embarrassed "as if I'd get naked at all in this dirty place do you know how unhygienic that is?!" I over exaggerated making everyone laugh
"So you guys didn't do it then" Zoey sighed "but are you guys a thing?"
She asked
"Yeah" I answered "we are"
"Are you sure?" She smiled "last chance to back out" she laughed
"Lay off!" Francis nudged her and we all laughed
We heard footsteps come from the stairs, we looked and saw bill as he got to the bottom
"You people ready to move?" He asked
We all answered and we got ready to leave, bill removed the bar from the door and opened it
"And actually" he spoke up "Zoey you're wrong they did do it" he mentioned as he stepped outside
"What?!" Zoey and Francis sounded shocked
I just stayed quite blushing, who the hell did he know
"You should know i don't exactly sleep heavily and I don't fall asleep easily, the house has thin walls, I lost a lot of sleep and I need counselling" he laughed to himself
Me and Francis just stood there gobsmacked
"Well shit..." i sighed "at least they know about us now" I smiled to him
"Yeah!" Francis wrapped his arm around me "they needed to know who you belong to now"
I giggled as we caught up to the group

I finished this chapter at 3:15am and I have to be up at 7😂
I Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm sorry if Francis isn't portrayed properly like how he is in the game. I've never really done much research on Francis or played as him so I don't know much about him to make him accurate in this story. Thanks for reading! If you have a suggestion for a xReader be sure to comment.

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