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My whole life has been turned upside down in just one day.

It was just a normal morning, I woke up, washed my face and went downstairs. Still half asleep, I opened the door, on my way to make breakfast, only to see my mom with my suitcase downstairs. Fully packed!

"What's going on mom?" I asked with a sleepy voice. "You and your sister are going to Korea!' she shouted, and continued to pack my stuff.

Oh... We're going to Korea... To.... Wait WHAT?!?!? Yup, I'm definitely awake now! "Mom, stop whatever you're doing and please just tell me what all this is about?!" I didn't even know what to think. Of course I was happy, because I always wanted to go, but this sudden? Right now? My mom just kept packing my stuff, no matter what I did to get her attention.

Suddenly Ruby, my sister, opened the door, with her suitcase packed as well. "RUBYYYYY" I shouted and ran to her with my arms wide open. I hugged her as tight as possible. "Ruby, what's going on?" "Do you remember we once, just for fun, applied for a scholar ship in Korea?" I chuckled. "That was years ago! What does this have to do with all this?" "Well, in short, we got the scholarship!"

You gotta be kidding me.... THAT WAS SIX YEARS AGO! I was 11 when I applied for that! And now we got it? "But what about our life here? We have friends here, and you are here!"

Finally mom spoke up. "Sweetie, you know we're a little tight on money right? This would be the perfect way for you to study! And besides, won't you two be able to meet those boys you always talk about? They're there somewhere!"

Ruby and I looked each other in the eyes and smiled. "STRAY KIIIDS!" we yelled in unison. I still didn't really understand anything, but I just decided I should at least help pack my bags.

Not too long after that our dad drove me and my sister to the airport. "Are we really going?" I asked Ruby with a small voice. "You bet girl!! Come on!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me with her.

Since she's two years older, she has always been really protective over me, and took care of everything. I'm sure she already found an apartment for us to live in by now!

When we arrived at the airport in Seoul, a taxi waited for us to bring us to our new apartment. It was bigger than expected!

After cleaning up Ruby finally explained everything to me. Even though applying for a scholar ship in Korea started off as a joke, apparently we really got it. Ruby received an E-mail about one month ago, stating we got the scholar ship, and the school would give us an appartement to live in. She didn't believe it either at first, but decided to tell mom, and discussed it with her. Ruby also knew we didn't have the money for the both of us to go to college, so they decided it would be best for us to go. They also decided it would be best not to tell me, since I would probably freak out if they did tell me.

We would start going to school of performing arts in seoul, and we'd start in one week. Luckily enough for us the lessons we got were taught in English, and we would get Korean lessons as well.

The week went by as fast as lightning. We tried our best to already learn some Korean words, but it was really difficult.

The first day of school arrived. We changed into our uniforms, and walked to school, since it wasn't too far away. After a long time searching we finally got to the principals office, and got our time tables. Since Ruby is two years older than I am, we're in different classes. I got into class 1C!

I knocked on the door and slowly walked in. I tried not to look at everyone's faces, since I knew I would fangirl way too much, and just because I was too shy, since everyone here is really pretty, handsome and talented. I whispered to the teacher that I was the new student, and he nodded. "

Okay everyone, listen up!" he said. "We have a transfer student." She came all the way from the Netherlands together with her sister, so please help her adjust. Why don't you introduce yourself?"

I finally looked up, only to almost have a heart attack. THEY. ARE. HERE!!!!! FELIX, HYUNJIN AND MINHO. OWHMYGOSH. I snapped back into reality and introduced myself. "hello everyone! I'm Yuna Lee, nice to meet you. Please take care of me."

Most people smiled at me, others looked either curious or bored. "why don't you sit next to felix?" said the teacher, who was apparently named mister hyun, and was my homeroom teacher.

I sat down and smiled at Felix, and he smiled back. With his head leaning on his hand, he kept staring at me. I put my hair in front of my face, so he wouldn't see me blush.

Felix slipped a note into my hands. "Nice to meet you! Can you talk too? xP" I chuckled and stuck out my tongue. "Hmmm, not sure! It sounds very complicated." This time Felix laughed softly, and we exchanged some more notes, talking about how I got here.

I didn't really pay attention to class, and the bell took me by surprise. I started packing my bag, and looked at my time table to see where I had my next lesson. I didn't really understand anything though.

I suddenly felt someone standing behind me, looking over my shoulder. I looked up to see hyunjin laughing. "Having trouble figuring out where to go next?" "yeah! I still don't understand anything." I said with a hint of sadness in my voice. "just follow us!" Felix said, already at the door opening together with Minho. I smiled and followed them. I guess school isn't that bad after all, if you found the right one!

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