Combat Baby 9

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"Water. With lots of ice," you ordered from the bartender.

"Sure thing."

"Water?" Loki's hand slithered it's way around your waist, resting very low, "are you-"

"No," you spoke sternly, "just trying to keep a clear head." 

Tony had thrown one of his famous parties as a celebration for your first and only mission. Also, Loki behaved himself. That night where you almost died changed you. Loki had been very attentive to your feelings and showed you more affection than he had ever before. It rubbed Bucky the wrong way and he felt as if he should step back. Of course, you deserved to be with a god instead of some old man. It didn't beat on his feelings towards you though. 

You two had only slept together once but it was so emotional that it shifted your relationship. You were both doing well until Vienna. You really messed up in Vienna.

"Loki, why have you been..." his stroking of your goosebump covered arm was really distracting, "what's going on between us?" you let your thoughts flow.

"What do you mean?"  

"You know what I mean. Something has changed and I don't know how I feel about it,"

"How you feel about what ?" Loki's desperate eyes poured into yours.

"About.." you shook away the thoughts, not wanting to explain yourself, "it seems that ever since things with Bucky have been going smoothly, things with us; haven't,"

"And do you assume I am the cause?" Loki's tone was stern, becoming defensive.

"," you gulped. Biting your tongue, not wanting to cause a fight, "I just. You're my friend, I want us to stay that way," your voice wobbled as you noticed Loki. This conversation is so cringey. Without notice he glowed and changed into a naked Bucky, "what the hell are you doing?" you covered your eyes.

"Is this what you want? Do you truly want him?"

"Please change back," you requested and saw Loki a moment later. Once the heat rushed away from your face you cleared your throat, "why would change into him? If you don't want me as a friend, Loki, then please be clear because I feel like a chick running around with its head cut off trying to please-" and then he did it. He grabbed your face and kissed you. It was desperate and needy and absolutely conveyed his message.

It's wasn't like you dodged him, you received his message as clear as day and even responded promptly. Your hands were tangled in his hair as he brought you to sit on his lap. Nothing but your breaths filling the silence of the room. It seemed like the night was heading in a certain direction but you got no further than heavy petting.

"I-" you stopped, taking a moment to consider the implications of what you were doing, "should we be doing this? I'm supposed to be having another man's child."  Loki was emerging from his haze, he felt drunk on you. You were a vice, like nothing he's had before. He went in for more but you held him back, "Loki...what do I do?"

Telling Bucky was what you did. When you two made eye contact from across the room you both managed to smile. Things have been tense since you returned from Vienna. He, of course, was jealous that Loki was the one who you supposedly chose. He felt insecure, he knew he should have asked you out properly and began a real relationship but he didn't want to interfere with your motherly plans. Since you told Bucky he's been distant. Loki, on the other hand, had agreed not to interfere with anything until you made your mind up.

You looked so gorgeous tonight. The little black dress you wore was borrowed from Natasha as kind of a last resort to get Bucky to notice you but so far all it's done is have other umremarkables hit on you. You looked a little miserable.
Loki, on the other hand, had never smiled so much in his life. To know you weren't carrying Barnes children had made him feel more comfortable around you again, just like old times. Although he, of course, noticed your sombre mood.

"Perhaps a dance to pass the time?" Loki's hand rubbed up and down your back. You exhaled at the nice feeling and nodded.

"Good idea," you muttered as you traipsed to the dance floor. The waltz was one of Loki's favourites, he felt like art was the only true form to express himself. But instead of keeping a space for Jesus between you two he had brought you in tight, "we're not performing the mamba Odinson, leave some room and raise your arms," you scolded him with love. He stepped back a little further and you two had begun.

"You're terrible at this," Loki smiled.

"Well, I don't dance at Tony's functions. I work and make sure everything goes according to plan."

"Yes, but tonight's plan is to enjoy yourself. You look astounding. Every single person in here is under your spell so try not to mess it up with your atrocious feet," Loki didn't want to overstep his boundaries but at the same time he wanted to give into his chaotic impulsiveness and take you right in front of everyone. But he restrained himself, all he managed to do was pull himself closer to you. Your scent was once again intoxicating, reminding him of the previous week.

You were also feeling a little light-headed, letting Loki control you on the dance floor. He smelled just like he always did, except right now you were so enamoured by him that you felt that familiar feeling from a few nights ago. "Why are we so close?" You whispered into his ear, almost inaudible. You didn't want him knowing that your heart was beating a million times a minute so you kept your breath steady. Loki skimmed his soft cheek against yours.

"Perhaps now isn't the time," he released you and you turned to face Bucky.

"Hi," you greeted.

"Hi," a terribly awkward pause followed, "mind if I steal her away for a moment?" Bucky asked Loki, who exhaled loudly but left you two alone. Bucky took your hand in his and let his other drape softly on your waist. "You look beautiful tonight,"

"I look beautiful every night," you tried killing the tension. It worked for a moment as Bucky chuckled.

"True," more silence followed but it was different to before. It was comfortable, "I'm sorry I've been distant lately-"

"It's alright," you cut him off, not wanting to discuss it. Being in his big strong arms made you feel better.

"No, it's not. We agreed to...conception. I'm sorry I let my feelings get in the way. You are free to date whoever you want," another pause, "just gimme a little bit of a heads up next time." Your panic was clear on your face. You didn't want to lose Bucky but you didn't want to lose Loki either.

His lips are right there. He needs an answer. Tears welled up in your eyes and you released Bucky, wiping your cheeks and making sure your mascara was okay, "sorry," you walked briskly to the bathroom, letting go once inside. Loki appeared beside you frowning.

"What did he do?" his eyes were almost popping out of his head.

"Nothing," you held your breath, trying to stop the sobs. When that didn't work you exited, making your way to the elevator but because you were watching your feet making sure you didn't fall over you missed the man in front of you. Bucky.

"Doll-" you tried running away again but froze at the sound of a gunshot. Everyone ducked but the heroes in the room kept their wits about them. Including Loki.

"Oh my," Loki looked down at his torso which was currently bleeding out. You managed to catch him as he fell.

"Loki," more tears streamed your cheeks but your voice was monotonous. You held the wound, trying to apply pressure. People were screaming and shrieking just running around in a riot. You held him tightly as Bucky tried waking you up out of your daze. All you could see was a pale-faced god slipping away from you.

"Hey! Give him here! Medics are on the way!" Bucky had to yell in order for you to hear him.

The emergency waiting room consisted of you burying yourself in Bucky's shirt crying from time to time. It's not that you were just sad. This overwhelming feeling of anxiety, regret and depression just tore through you. So every few minutes you were crying or catatonic.

You were clinging onto Bucky though, who absolutely did not mind at all. He just wished that clinging was to do with him more than Loki. He didn't hate the alien, Bucky just knew that he'd never achieve what you and Loki had. The kind of intimacy that a long history of friendship brings. He was fine to be a shoulder to cry on for you though.

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