Matt's return

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He's gone.

He's really gone.

There was no funeral because Foggy said the disappearance would first become newsworthy, although you think he's planned some sort of gone missing on vacation thing just so no one gets suspicious. It feels like you're covering up a murder. It certainly felt like a murder, it wasn't only Foggy's decision to get Daredevil back for one last hoorah!

The Hand is dangerous, you're aware. You've been friends with Claire for a long time and she's told you information about everything, even her kinky stuff in the bedroom with Luke. But the point is, you know his sacrifice won't go unnoticed by God. If he's up there right now, of course he's up never told him hoe you felt.

He could tell how a person was generally feeling by their heart rate so he probably knew already, but still. You wish he could have known coming from your lips and not your heart.

He was in love with Elektra, no one could compete with her, not even Karen, and she was beautiful. But girls like you two never got the guy. Too nice, too boring. But you two were always there for him, although Karen tends to interrupt people and not let them speak for themselves.
You were kind hearted and always there for a shoulder to cry on, although most people in New York saw you as a push over, you knew you were just nice.

"Sweetie, are you alright?" Foggy approached you. You still worked as his assistant once he moved on from Nelson and Murdock. The upgrade was sweet but you missed your old desk a bit.

"Yeah, sorry. Just day dreaming" you two were at Josie's once again, playing pool and drinking. Just the regular, except it felt different now. Felt like something was missing, or someone.
Foggy gave you a hug. It was Saturday night which meant you had 9am mass the next morning so you packed up early.

After mass you stayed behind for confession. Only, you didn't feel too talkative so you came back when it wasn't as busy.

"Uh, forgive me father for I have sinned" you started. The pastor shuffled in his compartment and sighed, did he not have time for you or something?

"What is it my child?" He sounded different.

"It's been a while since my last confession. Ever since Matt...disappeared, I feel like my faith has been challenged" you waited for him to respond, was he there? "Hello?"

"Do you feel lost?"

"Yes actually. I never thought I'd live a life without knowing Matthew but here I am. I've been working as hard as I can trying to distract myself from the grief...or whatever I'm feeling, but I miss you remember that time I told you about my first experience with the Lord? You probably don't it was a long time ago. I felt refreshed and new, I was in such a dark place and he came to me at night. I heard my name from a collective voice and warmth on my head...all my bad thoughts, insecurities and worries momentarily disappeared and I finally got a good nights rest. That was when my mother died...I guess this situation isn't as bad, but it still hurts. I just want to know where he is" your voice broke and you wept silently. The priest got out of his compartment. What was going on? Why was he being so rude? You opened your door and the spectacle in front of you nearly sent you into shock.

"Matt" you whispered before crying into his arms. You kissed him all over his face, "what happened to you?" You wiped your snotty nose. You couldn't keep your hands off of him, you were scared to lose him if you let him go.

"I'm not completely sure yet, let's talk over some Chinese?" He asked. You nodded, knowing his secret, after all, he knew yours.

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