Combat Baby

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Not a one shot but ongoing series 
Pairing; Bucky x Reader and Loki x Reader bc yum to SebStan and Hiddles

"No. No. Ew no, he's wearing a fedora," you flicked through the candidates. You noticed your doctor's knee bouncing up and down, you were taking more time than needed.

"Why don't we continue this another time? It's past office hours now, I think you should take home this binder of our current sperm donors...and this one pamphlet," she handed you a little information booklet about the insemination process and an extra section about choosing a donor. With an apologetic sigh, you rose from your seat and shook hands.

"Thank you and sorry again. I know coming in 3 times a week is a bit excessive,"

She shrugged, "The health care system benefits me more than you, although this past month has been fun, I want you to be sure about having this baby. Also, you don't have to choose any one of these donors. As long as you have the sperm we can make a baby. Is there anyone you know, any friends, that would be willing to donate?"

You thought quickly about your choices, as Mr Stark's personal assistant you were constantly around perfect specimens. Bucky Barnes popped into your mind; Bucky was a sweet man, kind of shy at first but a really warm soul. You two connected really well because you could empathise with Bucky, you never forced any small talk. Conversation just seemed to flow naturally...mainly because you bitched over Tony.
Tony is a fantastic boss, super cool, super productive, he's great. He's just...Tony. He demands too much from you at one time but then you don't hear from him for 3 days. Getting in touch with him when he's in a mood is an absolute nightmare, the man never picks up his phone. Which is why Pepper lets you borrow hers now.

Walking into the compound with your binder under your arm you tried to sneak your way into your office. Since it was 5.30 in the evening, everyone except Tony and Pepper should be here. Although there were a few agents making their way out. You couldn't concentrate on your fellow co-workers while walking back to your office. Your mind wandered into a fantasy of James Buchanan Barnes as your baby daddy. To say you harboured a little crush for the super soldier was an understatement, that guy could elbow you in the gut you'd say actually happened once while he was in an intense conversation with Sam in the boardroom.

"Oof, sorry!" your head connected with a stone wall-sorry no that was Bucky's chest. You had dropped your guard and your binder in the process. The binder landed wide open with a picture of a man with a burned face, kind of looked like the guy who hit on you outside Sister Margarets.

"Hey look it's your boyfriend!" he teased, picking up the binder and flicking through a few pages.

"That's private," your voice strained as you tried to grab the binder back. Bucky kept holding it up higher and further away. He held you back with one forearm and continued reading.

"Arthur McLachlan; 33, Engineer, attended Georgetown. Are you..." he let his guard down which gave you the opportunity to grab it back. You didn't respond.

"I have to go," you spun on your heel and raced to your office. Hoping the humiliation wears off soon.
The next day you acted completely professionally. A little too uptight than your usual demeanour and Tony definitely noticed. During lunch, he decided to approach you 'Tony style' on the subject.

"So what's up your butt?" he rested his head in his hands. You were both seated in the dining room, you tend to always hang around Tony while he's at the facility, he usually finds it incredibly annoying but he was lost whenever you weren't around. You and Pepper were an unstoppable team and you had also become close with the rest of the squad. But today you sat alone instead of near the rest of the team, very unlike you, "come on, tell me," he nudged you. After not answering he continued to poke your arm, "tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me,"

"Okay! Okay," you shoved him off and adjusted your blouse, "I have a lot on my mind," you chose your words carefully hoping not to open opportunity for questioning.

"Like what?" fuck.

"Like...I'm-having-a-baby," he caught on to your rushed words.

"You're pregnant!?" his bewildered look was full of awe but also worry that you were going to leave him for a few months. How could he survive? With a swat on every word, you scolded him.

"Stop. Being. So. Loud," you peeked to the couches, nobody seemed to notice. "I'm not pregnant, but I will be soon...maybe. If the process works,"

"It's a pretty easy process I mean-wait," Tony remembered that you didn't have a partner, "who's the daddy?"

"That's what I need to decide. I've been to the office about 9 times now and I hate every soul in this binder!" you slammed the binder on the table.

"Where were you hiding that?"

"Every single guy in here is completely...terrible! Look," you flipped from page to page, "everyone is just-"

"As if they don't have a website for this," Tony muttered but focused his attention on you again. Iron Man took your hand softly and made direct eye contact, "you can do this. I know you can and I will support you the entire way," you gulped.

Unknown to you and Tony, Bucky had been keeping an eye on you from the lounge. Focusing so hard on your body language with Tony that he was glaring. He had no reason to be jealous of Tony; he was in a very loving relationship with Pepper and had been for years obviously. It's just he gets to spend more time with you at work and even after. Bucky didn't understand it, he knew a PA as good as you, is usually always busy but the workload seemed like too much, especially for someone wanting to have a baby. He had googled what insemination meant and was up all night thinking about you. Just imagining you with a large bulb on your torso and him stroking it from time to time as if you were having his baby. He knew his thoughts were ridiculous, you two were friends and co-workers, that's all.

"You alright Buck?" you interrupted his fantasy. He instinctively smiled hearing your voice and looked at you. Your soft smile lighting up your eyes had always made his chest feel heavy and light at the same time.

"Yeah, fine! How are you?" he lowered his volume and accidentally glanced at your stomach. You sighed, of course he was going to bring it up.

"Good. Nothing is really happening yet," you sat down and touched his leg. A shiver ran up his spine, "look if you could keep this between us just for now..." your voice trailed as you realised where your hands were. Removing them immediately, you apologised, "sorry," you wiped your forehead and closed your eyes trying to think of how to phrase the next bit. Luckily Bucky had taken your hand and stroked a few fingers.

"Hey, it's okay. Your secret is safe with me," you were lost his ocean blue eyes so much that you forgot where you were.

"Thank you," you squeezed his hand and got up. He acts so kind to you all the time that you often mistook friendliness for flirting.

But the thing is, it was Bucky flirting. He's been your friend for a few years now and he just keeps missing his opportunity to be with you. It was either a mission coming up, someone entering the room or him chickening out that prevented the catharsis. He also thought you were too hard on yourself, you were often shooting down men that hit on you at the bar. That actually gave him some hope, knowing that you weren't interested in dating but also shot down his confidence weren't interested in dating.

"You gotta be more direct," Tony tapped Bucky's shoulder as he traipsed past. Bucky couldn't help but give Tony the finger, "I can see that,"

Avengers/Marvel characters X Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now