Birthday Boy Bucky

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"Happy Birthday baby" you gave James a kiss.

"Thank you sweetheart" he replied.

You two were having a lovely dinner together. Everyone ignored Bucky's Birthday because they were throwing him a surprise party. It was your job to keep him away from the tower until 9.
The walk home was nice because it was summer, you wore a nice summer dress suitable for dinner and a party.

"I am so lucky to have you" he spoke out of nowhere. You had entered the building.

"I'm lucky to have you too" you pecked his cheek. He sighed, he was upset.

"I can't believe everyone forgot about my birthday"

"What?" You two entered the elevator.

"You're the only one that cares about me. I see that now, well, I've figured that I'm not very likable to everyone. I'm going upstairs to pack my bags and check into a hotel just for the two of us, then I'm waiting for this apartment to become available...would you do me the honour of moving in with me?" He smiled and you did too but before you could answer the elevator came to the floor and a huge amount of people shouted "SURPRISE" Bucky jumped back and dented the elevator wall.

"Shit" Stark commented. You went over to Bucky to see if he was alright.

"Sweetie are you okay?" You checked his head but he nodded and contains himself. "We're good!" I called out and everyone cheered.

Once Bucky had a moment to himself he took you into the hallway and gave you a hug, "you're the very best gal a man like me could ask for" he kissed your forehead multiple times. You couldn't help grin at how proud you felt right now.

"And that stuff I said in the elevator-"

"Don't worry about it, already forgotten" you swallowed the lump in your throat, disappointed at your future plans not working out. He took your face in both of his hands and made you look up at him, he had a cheeky smile on his face.

"Sweetheart, I only meant to ask what your answer was" he grinned. You tried keeping the smile off your face.

"I think it's a fantastic idea," you couldn't stop grinning! Neither could he, he was so cute.

"Then let's start our lives together, doll" you two kissed passionately it felt like a fairytale.

You quickly separated, "you don't really hate everyone do you? We don't have to stay at a hotel" you quickly interrupted. He chuckled and shook his head.

"That would be so expensive" you returned to kissing.

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