7 Minutes in Heaven

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The last day of high school meant the end of the year party. It was held at Flash's place and it was going off!


Okay it wasn't. The music was loud and exciting but you were hardly close friends with anyone. It didn't make sense that you were invited and Peter and Ned weren't. MJ was there so you had been attached to her the entire night sharing snacks.

"Should we just go?" You sighed. Being there was exhausting.

"No way, not with these mini quiches out," she mumbled through a full mouth of pastry, "where's Parker? Weren't you going to seal the deal tonight?" She winked. You felt the heat rise in your neck when she mentioned your tiny/little/miniscule crush on Peter Parker.

"I'm not going to seal anything," you muttered, "Parker's too blind to see me,"

"Are you serious?! That boy is constantly interested in talking about you," you stepped back at Michelle's words, "anytime I bring up that you're hanging out with some guy he gets all red in the face like that frog is about to pop out of his mouth," she joked and you laughed along. Hearing that gave you a burst of confidence but you had no use for it. He isn't coming tonight.

"Penis Parker! What are you doing here? I wasn't aware of your invitation to my house," Flash's words caught your attention. Peter looked really good in his red summer button down with a few buttons undone at the top. Just enough to peak at his cologne sprayed pecs, or did he just hop out the shower? Before you got lost in your thought you saw that Peter and Ned were being escorted out by Flash and his goons.

"Easy Eugene!" You called out and walked to Peter, wrapping an arm around his, "he's my plus one. And we're all seniors so he kind of has a right to be here," you tried dragging Peter to where you and Michelle were standing.

"And what about this guy? Another 'plus one'?" Flash held back Ned.

"Yeah. Michelle's," you smiled sweetly. It wasn't until Ned hugged you that you realised you had been holding on to Peter.

"Thank you so much! You saved our asses!" Ned hugged you so tight your eyes popped. Peter noticed this and separated the two of you while doing this his hand lingered on your waist.

"Easy man, you'll break her!" Peter was genuinely concerned, "but he's right. Thank you," Peter was truly appreciative because he hoped that tonight he'd finally get to kiss you, if not tell you that he's been harbouring a crush on you for the last year. He loved the way you laughed so hard you snorted at his jokes or how when you were nervous you'd forget what to say and blabber on too much. He felt a real connection to you but worried that you only saw him as a study partner. "Hey! Do you-" Peter started but was cut off.

"Hey girls! Come play seven minutes in heaven with us!" Flash called out. You rolled your eyes and shook your head at the ludicrous idea.

"We'd love to!" MJ shouted back. You shot a confused glare at her. What was her end game here? "Oh relax," she slapped your arm, "Peter will play too," she peer-pressured. The den had a few people in it already but not a heap. You all had gathered in a circle and written down your names on a piece of paper which was then but in one of Flash's fedoras.

"Okay first up is..." Flash announced two other classmates and you sighed with relief. You were 100% sure you weren't kissing anyone tonight, "have fun you two," the next seven minutes were spent just chatting trying not to thinking about the thumping in the closet.

"So," you began, Peter gulped at the attention, "what are you doing next year?"

"Uh. I don't know, to be honest, college obviously but...hopefully somewhere close so I can take care of Aunt May," he was so sweet thinking of his family, you really sympathised for him upon hearing of his parents and uncles death, "what about you?"

"Pfft, who knows? If I get a scholarship that'd be amazing but there's also this internship at the old Stark tower,"

"Really?" This really piqued Peters interest.

"Yeah, the guidance counsellor told me about it. Oscorp, I think it's called," Peter nodded and licked his dry lips trying to think of the name. He smiled softly.

"Well whatever you end up doing I know you'll excel," he maintained this intimate level of eye contact that you've never held with anyone before. He's never held that much eye contact with anyone before, it felt nice. But then it felt sad, knowing that you'd probably never see each other again. You laughed in his face, "what?"

"Excel? Come on Peter you've been tutoring me all year, I'll obtain a mediocre position at best. But I'll be alright," you shrugged.

"Okay next up! Me! And..." Flash paused for effect, "Y/N, alright!" He cheered. You sighed. That can't be right, can it? You turned to Peter and touched his knee.

"Pray for me," you joked, he smiled softly at the contact but his heart hurt at the thought of you with Flash. You walked into the tiny closet space with Flash close behind.

"Oh! So it's pitch black in here? That's not creepy," you commented. You felt Flash's hot beer stained breath on your cheek.

"You know, your whole act is kinda getting boring for everyone else. Driving boys away,"

"You think I don't drive boys away intentionally?" You joked, Flash chuckled quietly but it was sinister as well.

"Come on, just gimme a little kiss. You might actually like it since you're always flirting with me," he managed to touch your chin and begin to raise it but you pushed him back.

"Wait, you think me telling you to fuck off is flirting?" You were disgusted. Absolutely appalled.

"Isn't it? I get it from a lot of girls,"

"Oh my god, listen to yourself, Thompson. When girls say no to you it's not for attention. You're just being a creep," your tone wasn't offensive, just fed up.

"Whatever! Our times almost up, you owe me a kiss,"

"I'm not even going to dive into what you just said. I didn't write my name down Eugene, so why did you call it?"
Flash leaned back and sighed exhaustively.

"Ugh, fine. Everyone knows you're a virgin. I'm just trying to help you out,"

"I don't care what people say about me, no matter how true or false those rumours are. I don't like you Flash, I like.." you sighed, you weren't about to expose your secrets to Flash Thompson in the middle of a party.

"Parker. I know, everyone knows," he spoke to you slowly then left the closet, "who's next?"
You couldn't even look at Peter knowing he'd still be able to play the game. You walked briskly outside to the pool and dipped your feet in once you kicked your shoes off. A person appeared beside you but you didn't bother looking until they touched your hand.

"Hey," Peter whispered cautiously. You gulped and smiled, praying that no one heard your conversation with Flash.

"Hey. Why aren't you playing the game? You could finally kiss...uhh, who was it you liked again?" You asked.

"Nice try," he grinned. You managed to get a few chuckles out too, purely because of his smile.

"Why are you so happy?" You asked, maybe someone kissed him on the outside. He was grinning from ear to ear and blushing like crazy, he kept combing his hair back with his hand.

"I um-I'm just really happy right now. I found out some fantastic news,"

"What is it?" You pestered. Peter bit his lip to try and stop himself from spilling, did he somehow hear news of a scholarship? "Come on, you have to tell me now," you nudged him.

"I-I hear what you said-actually I heard what Flash said...in the closet," it was your time to feel red. You smiled out of awkwardness.

"Oh," it's all on the table now.


"And you're laughing at me because it's a massive joke right?" You guessed, Peter shook his head.

"Should I go for it? I'm just gonna go for it. Should I? Yeah-" Peter cut himself off by putting his soft lips onto yours. When he pulled your head closer to his it felt like fireworks erupted in your mind you couldn't believe the thrill. When you two finally separated, puffy-lipped and dazed you laughed. You kissed him back again.

"I'm glad you went for it."

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