Party Pete

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Your dad Tony Stark was hosting a party to celebrate the new year. And the only person your age (or close to at least) there was Peter Parker. You two never got the time to talk given that you lived in Manhattan and he lived in Queens, but you visited whenever you could because Happy was seeing him a lot more now. Peter was so kind-hearted- a little awkward but he was a good support system. You two often talked about school and about how hard it is to find a job.

You were sitting with him in the main lounge where there were no seats, just you two on the floor. You hated how crowded and rowdy these things could get so you were grateful that little ol' Petey was around.

"So how's your new suit?" You enquired.

"It's good-yeah I mean-awesome. It's awesome. Thanks for asking" he fidgeted. You always wondered if he had a stutter because he did it a lot.

"You know I gave my dad the idea to put the automatic tightening on. At first, he was considering messaging you what size you were but I think as you grow, your suit adjusts to you. Which is better than getting a new suit"

"Wow. That's really smart, thank you" he nudged you.

"So how're things at school? How was prom?" You always wanted to go to school but since your dad has battled so many bad guys, it's dangerous for you to be in the public eye.

"Uh, it was for the 5 seconds I showed up"

"What?" You were confused. He took a deep breath and shrugged and grimaced.

"I may have...gone on a mission...alone and-almost-died but whatever. It was a fun night, it was fine" he smirked. You laughed.

"You're quite keen on the whole superhero thing aren't you?" You asked. Worried.

"Yeah. I mean, who wouldn't be? You get to defeat bad guys, it's badass" you smiled at his hopefulness. You tried holding him your comments but you just couldn't.

"Don't you think it's really dangerous for an 18-year-old to swing across the buildings of New York? You've got friends and family that love you very much. What happens if one know, you don't come home?" You rambled a bit, Peter smiled at your concern and bit the inside of his cheek.

"You sound a lot like your dad" he chuckled, you pushed him.

"I do not...but seriously, you know you're not immortal"

"Your dad isn't. Are you still concerned about him?" He asked, keeping the atmosphere light.

"Of course I am, why do you think I'm pestering you? The difference between you two is that my dad is in his 40s and has protective gear so if he happens to fall out of the sky his suit saves him. Whereas you have tights on" you took a sip of your water, thirsty after scolding him. Peter couldn't stop smiling, he tried hiding it by biting his lip."What?"  What was so funny?

"You're not like other people are you?" Let him finish before saying anything, "I've just noticed you're very passionate about...stuff" he couldn't find the word. He wanted to say himself, no other girl has ever really paid attention to him besides MJ but that's over now. It felt electrifying talk to you, he never wanted to stop. After a few moments of silence between the two of you and a glass shattering against the concrete floors you spoke.

"Want to see something cool?" You took his hand without waiting for an answer and dragged him out of the main room. Travelling down the hallway, he kept asking questions.

"Where are we going?... Is your dad going to be okay with this?... I really think we should get back"

"Shush," you hushed. You eventually stopped outside of your Dad's mechanic room, "since you're a huge nerd I thought you'd appreciate this" you said before entering the code to get in. Once the door opened the lights turned on automatically. Peter stopped breathing then took a huge breath in and out.

"Oh. My. God!" He squealed, you chuckled at the voice break. Peter ran to every corner of the room and looked at every machine in sight. Taking it all in. "Oh my god. Oh my GOD!" He was freaking out and fanning himself. "This is amazing, can I-can I touch anything?"

You walked to him and picked up a little metal glove, "Try this, it'll make you feel like you're in Harry Potter" you put it on first and showed him that it levitates certain things.

"This is so awesome!" Peter ran his hands through his brown locks. You grinned at his wondering expression.

After about 40 minutes of playing with random crap you brought Peter up a spiral staircase, "This is my favourite spot in the tower. Takes a while to get up though" you said at the start of the stairs so you didn't sound too unhealthy at the end.

The stairs led to your personal thinking spot. There were blankets and pillows from the night before along with a notebook and stereo. It was the tower room, a full 360-degree view of the city. It wasn't too big but you made it cosy and homey with your fairy lights.

"Wow" Peter breathed out, "it's beautiful" you wanted to thank him even though he meant the view. But you felt like it was your view, your dad showed you this room a few years ago and from then on you just felt like it was yours.

"Yeah" you agreed with him. You opened a latch on one of the windows and walked onto the balcony with Peter following close behind. You two stood there in silence, holding onto the railing. "It's weird," you interrupted the quiet, "I can't go on those stupid dropping rides at amusement parks because I hate falling or look down on a glass elevator but I'm perfectly okay with swinging and just standing here at night" you were just letting your thoughts loose, you knew Peter didn't care so you stopped talking and just closed your eyes. Then you felt a warm presence. A hand on yours. You looked up and Peter smiled at you."This place can make you say some pretty...weird things," you said. Are you talking too much? Is that why he's so quiet?

"Yeah" he breathed out, he was shaking a little bit and kept biting the inside of his cheek. The atmosphere between you two has definitely changed into something a little more intimate than what you both experienced downstairs.

"We should get back to the party. I just wanted to show you...this. To-to thank you for being so nice and welcoming to me"

"Welcoming? If anything you've made me feel so accepted here. You and your dad. The rest of the uh, 'squad' have been pretty ignorant, to be honest" Peter replied while stepping inside and helping you in the process. You tripped on your way in, forgetting how high the step was. You ended up falling into Peters' arms. The next few moments seemed to last forever. The intimate moment was nice, and not in a sexual way it was just nice having someone around your age being around. Someone you could easily talk to and confide in. Peter is different from the others around you, he's so understanding. The others try to be relatable but they can't connect with a person your age.

"Sorry" you apologised to Peter for falling onto him.

"It's okay" Peter shook his head, clearing the unprofessional thoughts running through his mind. You were Mr Stark's daughter, he can't kiss you, Stark would kill him.

You two walked back slowly but before entering the main room again a rush of adrenaline shot through your veins, "Peter can we stop for a second?"

"Sure, what's up?"

You moistened your lips and tried coming up with an answer but nothing could explain your next move. You just dove right onto him, your lips touched his, gently but firmly. He kissed you back, shocked but keen. Peters hands wrapped around your waist and yours were around his neck. Then you let go and breathed out deeply. You cleared your throat and straightened your outfit.

"That's all thank you," you told him then opened the door and entered the main room.

Peter stood there with a dumb grin on his face, "oh my god" he whispered to himself. He composed himself before entering the room.

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