Combat Baby 2

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"Hey James, I was wondering-no. Hi Buck, do you have a moment-no. Heya Buckarino-Oh my god you're a nightmare," You were in the bathroom rehearsing your proposal to Bucky. It had been a week since you finally decided that you were going to ask for his sperm. 'Hi Bucky, may I please have some of your sperm?' That's all you have to ask your closest friend of the past 2 years.

Whilst shaking out your nerves you heard a flush, you didn't check if the bathroom was clear. Natasha wandered out and washed her hands, not saying anything. You nodded hello but didn't engage until you saw her lean against the wall with her arms crossed.

"Whatcha doin'?" she smirked.

"Nothing, just-" you pressed the hand dryer and shrugged, "chillin'"

"Right," another pause, "what were you planning to ask the soldier?" you didn't respond straight away, you picked at the wallpaper trying to think of another conversation topic.

"Oh, just...just something. Not important," you scratched the side of your face and realised you could just walk out of here without raising suspicion, "I'm just going to get back to work," after three steps you felt Natasha's pull on your arm.

"Come on, are you finally asking him out?"

"What? No, where did you get that idea from?"

"Stammering words, trembling hands and dilated pupils, typical crush stuff,"

"What?" you chuckled nervously, "No, that'll never-no! Absolutely not-look, Bucky is just a friend,"

"So you don't mind if I ask him out," her demeanour changed, she was now flirty. You were being too obvious about your ideas on that front; with your face turning sour and hesitating to answer.

"Go crazy," you stepped back, you knew better than to give into Nat's interrogation tactics. Although later on that day while the team had a briefing about an upcoming mission you spotted Nat muttering something to Bucky. You panicked and tried sneaking your way over there but every time you got closer Tony seemed to need your attention.

"Hey, you writing this down?" Tony pointed. You made it halfway to Wanda, just one more seat and you would have at least heard something.

"I wrote the presentation," you responded.

"Oh yeah. Good job," he complimented.

"Yeah of course," you heard Bucky murmur. Your shoulders dropped, she did it. It's no use asking him now. After the presentation finished everyone had a little break. You decided to visit your friend. The invader himself, Loki Laufeyson.

"Hello pet, you look glum. Is something the matter?" Loki constantly had these bracelets which prevented him from changing his appearance. Asgardian technology was truly amazing but all the handcuffs in the world wouldn't take away his charm. He was fun to be around, Loki, always the trickster. You were usually his 'guard' whenever he wished to travel and you had become close. At first, everyone thought it was a terrible idea to leave you two alone but he has never used any of his magic to persuade you to do anything you didn't want to. He has changed, he doesn't want to enslave humanity he just wants to be adored, and in the end, don't we all want that?

"No no, just on a break. I wanted to see how you were doing," you half-lied. Loki smiled and put down the book he was swimming for the hundredth time.

"I am this close to a breakdown. Let's go out, paint the town red," his energy was always so exhilarating. Making you want to drop everything right then and there to go out and commit some sins. But you fought back a lot of the time, you took your job very seriously especially with Tony's anxiety diagnosis. It made you really empathise with him. Loki was waiting for you to respond, his sinister smile not fading.

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