Midnight Questions

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With a satisfied look on my face, I marched out to the living room where everyone was and announced the good news, "Zayn is coming over." I didn't even consider how Daisy might take this until I saw her face go white and she almost dropped Arlo.

"Why?" Liam was the first one to respond.

"He spoke with dad, were on good terms." I couldn't just announce that he had changed teams now could I? No one would understand, they didn't know what was going on and I didn't want Daisy knowing too much, she barely made it through the last couple of days. She'd surely lose her shit and take off, probably with the kids.

"That's it? He spoke to your dad and now he's just coming over for a visit?" Louis stood up angrily, while Zayn was Louis' friend too, get was more cautious of the company he kept. He was more concerned that Zayn was the enemy than I was, but I knew Zayn and knew he wasn't a threat. If he was, he would have stabbed me and he'd be vocal about it.

"Come outside and I'll explain," I said as I glanced at Daisy, white as a ghost, sitting on the sofa staring at me. All three boys filed out the door and before I followed them I went over to Daisy and sat beside her. "Zayn is ok, I wouldn't bring him here if I thought that you and the kids were unsafe," I told her confidently.

"Are you sure?"

"Two hundred per cent sure," I told her.


"What?" I looked up at her curiously and she looked back at me, slightly less nervous than she had been.

"I trust you." Out of all the things she chose to say, it was something I never thought is hear her say. I kissed her cheek and followed the boys outside.

"What the fuck is going on Harry?" Louis grunted when I got outside and closed the door to the house.

"Ok first off, chill out. Second of all, Dad has spoken in person to Zayn and said himself that he was ok with him coming up here." I knew this would be hard for Louis. "He was almost killed after we had that meet with him yesterday."

"Why? None of our guys would have done anything that stupid without permission." Niall said cooly.

"It wasn't us, it was his own guys. They reckon he was giving us info, which in this case he was," I paused briefly to look at Louis whose face hadn't changed at all since I had said that Zayn was coming over. "Dad and Zayn came to an arrangement, not entirely sure of the details yet but Zayn is temporarily one of us." I knew someone would fly off the handle but I was not expecting it to be Liam.

"One of the two possible people that could have stabbed you have defected to our side? Are you fucking mental? Harry whether or not he's your childhood friend should not mean that he gets instant admission to our organization without a fucking vote or even a heads up!" Liam threw his hands up in the air and walked off.

"I agree, we've never just opened the door for anyone, including all of us, and now we're just handing out fucking invites," Louis grunted again, his face made of stone and his arms crossed over his chest. "Did either you or your dad consider how Daisy might feel about this? It's not just about us now, Daisy knows what we are and what we do. You can't just be inviting strangers to the place that makes her feel safe!" Louis walked away and went back inside the house, the door slam I was expecting never happened.

"Daisy out of all people seems ok about it," I muttered as I followed him inside.


After all that we've been through and what I've witnessed from Harry and how funny he gets with other guys around me, I know I can trust him, even if I feel slightly uncomfortable with the opposition being here. If Harry trusts him, so should I.

The Gangs Nanny - Harry StylesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu