What an Ah-Mazing Idea Part 2

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The forty five minute drive to The Enchanted Maze was absolute torture, apart from Ollie and Evie trying to guess where we were going, the whole ride was silent. Josh was looking from me to Louis and then to Harry and then back to me, trying to figure out what was going on. Louis depths head down and eyes trained in his phone the whole time and Harry, well Harry just sat there. He didn't even look at me.

When we piled out of the car and got everything, including Arlo in to the buggy we went to the entrance and I used the credit card that John had given me to pay for the entrance. Evie and Ollie got little maps with big bright pictures to show them what there was to do. "What do you want to do first?" I asked the kids.

"Slide!" Evie points to the picture of the giant tube slides they have. Ollie agrees loudly so we follow the map, Evie and Ollie running ahead. I push the buggy and Louis walks beside me while Harry and Josh walked in front of us.

"You're being awkward." I told Louis as we walked up the dirt path.

"I don't mean to be, I just don't know what to say to him. I told him there was nothing going on with you and then slept in your bed, and got caught." He grumbled as we walked.

"It doesn't seem like he cares that much, he's literally not said anything about it. If he did care, he probably would have lost his shit." I said as I watched Evie and Ollie practically run towards the sign with a giant picture of tubes and slides.

"Silent Harry is angry Harry." Louis said with a frown. I was beginning to get over my amusement at awkward Louis, and more concerned about his friendship with Harry. What if Harry wanted nothing to do with him now? It was just a mistake.

"I'll talk to him, you did it last night, it's my turn now." I said to him softly and smiled at Louis reassuringly.

"You sure you wanna do that?" He asked.

"I'm sure." I told him and nodded my head.

When we arrived at the tube slides we realised that we had to walk up a huge hill so Louis volunteered to take the first round of watching Arlo while the rest of us helped the little people up the hill dragging the tubes behind us. We reached the top in no time and Evie demanded that she go on the slide with Josh, Ollie wanted to go by himself which one tube left and just me and Harry. "You wanna wait, I'll send Louis up if you want." I heard Harry say as I look at the tube uncertainly.

That changed my mind real quick and I decided to use this whole thirty seconds alone with Harry to bring up what happened this morning. "Are you mad?" I asked him as he sat in the tube and I followed suit, sitting between his legs. The employee that was at the top of the hill instructed Harry to put his arms around my waist.

"Why would I be mad? Louis said there was nothing going on." He said. When he said it, I first thought he was being sarcastic but I looked over my shoulder and Harry furrowed his eyebrows at me and then chuckled.


"You look confused." He laughed again.

"Because I am. Yesterday you wouldn't even talk to me and now it looks like you're mocking me." I frowned.

"I'm not mocking you babe, Louis told me something and I believed him. Even if I was mad, I hardly expect you to care." He said and then smirked at me.

"Can you tell Louis that? He's freaking out because you're not talking." I tell him.

"I can do that, but first you tell me, is there anything going on between you and Louis?" His grip tighten as the guy operating the slide pushes us off the edge and we go flying down the slide.

The Gangs Nanny - Harry StylesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora