Confronting The Landlord

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New Text Message - Jason: 

If you don't answer your fucking phone I'm going to come and find you. I know you're not at home. Don't fuck me over Daisy, you won't like the outcome. 

I sighed loudly as I fed Arlo his baby food and watching Evie and Ollie play in the living room with their toys. The messages were coming more often and they were getting angrier by the minute. 

"Ollie can you and Evie please pack up your toys, it's almost time to go to school." I told the kids. 

"Ok." He smiled brightly at me. The days had passed slowly but I was quickly learning that if I ever wanted Evie to do something I should ask Ollie first, because Evie liked to do everything that Ollie did. "Come on Evie, we have to pack up!" He said enthusiatically to the toddler who looked up at him from her Barbie car and then over to me and then stood up and followed Ollie over to the toy box in the play room with her Barbie car. 

I cleaned up Arlo and picked him up out of the high chair he was in and put the dishes in the dishwasher. I pciked up the keys to the SUV and walked over to the door to wait for Ollie and Evie. "Good job guys, ok, Ollie grab your bag and let's get going. Josh, time to go!" I yelled and Josh came running up the stairs. 

We piled in to the car and once all three little people were strapped in I got in to the drivers seat next to Josh. "Oh shoot I forgot my phone." I grumbled as I started the car, I glanced at the clock on the dash board and groaned, there was no time to get it. "Never mind, we don't have time." I grumbled again and took off out of the drive way towards Josh's school. 

When we got home I let Evie out of the car and she ran in to the house and straight towards the play room. I popped Arlo down on his play mat and went in to the kitchen where I was met by Harry. "You want to tell me how much you owe this Jason guy?" He said as I walked in and dropped the keys on the counter. 

"Excuse me?" I stop dead in my tracks when he says Jason's name.

"How much do you owe him? While you were gone your phone went off six times and when I went to put the damn thing on silent I saw a message from him threatening to come and find you! So tell me how much money you owe him so I can sort it out for you." He snaps angrily. 

"You do not get to be angry with me! you went through my phone!" I snapped back and took my unlocked phone off him. "What gives you the right to go through my things and then get angry about it?" I was beyond angry with Harry by this point. 

"What were you buying off him huh? Is it drugs? Pills? Weed? What are you hiding?" 

"Can you just fucking stop and think about what you're saying? Do I even look like a person that would use drugs?" I scoffed loudly. 

"It's always the ones that don't look like they do!" He accused. 

"Fuck you Harry." I hissed and walked out of the room, phone in hand and I walked back in to the living room and sat on the floor with Arlo. How dare he?! 

I looked at my phone just as another message came through and groaned loudly, I wish this guy would leave me alone. It was just rent, I was going to pay it, I wish he wasn't such an asshole. 

I was so scared of him, i knew that when I had the money I was going to have to get either Marion or Harry to watch the kids so I could go and see him. I was just worried about what he was going to do to me when he finally got his money. I was deleting his messages, ignoring his calls and I had turned off the location on my phone so he didn't start tracking me. 

"Daisy?" I looked up a few moments later and Harry was standing by the sofa with two cups of tea, sort of like a peace offering I suppose. 


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