What An Ah-Mazing Idea Part 3

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"So are you gonna let me take you out on another date?" As we walked back up the trail towards the main area at enchanted maze. The whole place was incredibly beautiful, big full tress, exquisite garden beds, funny puzzles for the kids to try and solves, rope mazes and little areas with bridges, in built trampolines in the ground. The kids were having a ball, and honestly, I was too. Things with Harry had improved, until he mentioned the date.

"The first one wasn't a date, Harry." I rolled my eyes at the curly haired idiot walking beside me.

"It was totally a date. I took you to get a milkshake and took you trampolining, that was totally a date." He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes again. This guy never gives up, I wonder if he's noticed that I'm acting different. I have.

"Just because you decided to do date things, does not make it a date." I narrowed my eyes at him and he shot me a boyish grin.

"So do you wanna go on a date?" He cocked an eyebrow at me.

"I've spent the last four weeks telling you I don't and you're asking again?" I practically snort, it would seem weird if I just said yes straight away right? I was still a little unsure if he was changed. He'd have to prove that to me.

"Well, I thought things were different." He tilted his head to the side and looked at me curiously, and suddenly I had become very self-conscious. Why does hat happen? Has someone done an scientific experiment on this yet?

"They might be, doesn't mean I wanna go on a date with you." I told him and watched his face twist in to a pretzel. "What? You don't actually expect me to say yes, do you?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well I kind of did." He frowned.

"Not gonna happen, we've talked about this before, Harry. "I'm-."

"You're here to look after kids. I know, I just thought we could still hang out." He pouted at me.

"We can hang out, I've got no problems with being your friend, I just don't want to date you. You make it so hard for me to trust you." I tell him truthfully.

"I don't mean to, I honestly don't think about things before I do them, especially with you. I was literally about to kiss you in the mirror maze, that's literally the only thing I've ever talked myself out of with you. It's easy to get jealous, it's easy to get mad at you and Louis, and do things to make you mad. But I don't want to completely ruin things. If you don't wanna go on a date, it's fine." He says and I listen to his words carefully. I don't know how to feel about that fact that he said he was going to kiss me.

"Thanks for not kissing me." I muttered stupidly.

He laughed loudly and attracted the attention of Josh and Louis who both turned around to see what was so funny. Nothing to see, just me being awkward and Harry laughing. "That's what you have to say to that? Thanks for not kissing you?!" He continued to laugh.

"Yeah." I nodded my head and looked at him weirdly, why did he think this was funny?

"You're too much." He stopped laughing and wiped his eyes, he had laughed so hard that he'd started crying. "You're so cute and awkward." He chuckled and swung his arm around my shoulder and slowly down to meet my pace and we walked together.


We sat down at a picnic table for lunch and I unpacked the picnic basket and handed out sandwiches and apple slices. There were juice boxes for Ollie and Evie and soda for the adults. I had yoghurt cups and biscuits and cheese. I probably over packed but everyone seemed happy and dug in.

The kids finished before us and ran off with Josh to go on the giant playground the was near the picnic table which left me with Louis and Harry who were chatting away normally and me who was sitting there silently, still thinking about the words that Harry had said as we were walking up here. so after everything was packed up we proceeded to the next activity which was the giant maze.

The kids ran ahead as they had been doing and left me alone with Harry, once again. Louis had disappeared trying to keep up with Evie and Ollie had dragged Josh in before we even got to the entrance, we were alone, just the two of us and Arlo, who had fallen asleep. "You're acting weird." Harry looked at me as we walked down a narrow pathway.

"No i'm not!" I said automatically, the instinct to defend myself came naturally.

"You are." He chuckled. "Ever since I said that I was going to kiss you, you've been acting weird." He said.

"I'm not acting weird, Harry. Maybe you're the one acting weird, huh? You ever consider that?" The defence in more voice was getting more obvious by the second and I couldn't even control it, it could feel the blush rising to my cheeks and at that very moment in time, I would have done anything to just sink in the huge hedges we were surrounded by.

"You're awfully red right now." He chuckled and reached out to pinch my cheek.

"Harry, I will tear you limb from limb if you don't stop!" I snapped as we turned a corner.

"Aw, you're so cute. Don't threaten me, I might like it." He snickered and I rolled my eyes.

"How do you go from slightly tolerable to completely off the rails so quickly?" I huffed loudly, sick of this stupid maze already. We were walking around in circles, definitely not paying attention to where we were going.

"Am I irritating you?" He smirked at me.

"Please stop." I whined loudly.

"But you're so cute when you blush." He laughed and reached out to pinch my cheek again.

I swatted his hand away but he was determined to pinch my cheek and came right back. I stopped walking and let go of the buggy and used both my hands to grab his wrist and we end up wrestling in the middle of the maze. "Stop!" I yelled at him as I let out a laugh and pulled my knee up to attack him. Instantly he jumped back and let go of my hands.

"You're not playing fair, Daisy!" He practically shouted.

"Neither are you!" I defend.

"You're an annoying little shit today!" He scowled at me.

"So are you!" I scowled back.

And then all of a sudden we were both in fits of laughter.

That's never happened before. 

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