Car Shopping With The Enemy

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"Please?" I look up from the dishwasher I'm packing on Monday morning. Harry had left me alone for the weekend but bright and early on Monday morning when I was helping John get the kids ready for school, annoying Harry surfaced, wanting to hang out again.

"Harry you promised to leave me alone this week." I frowned as I closed the dishwasher with more force than necessary.

"But didn't you have a good time on Friday?" He asked curiously as he followed me through the kitchen and towards the basement.

"I did have a good time, why are you trying to ruin it?" I mumbled as I skipped down the stairs towards my room. I had made plans to meet up with some friends for coffee. I hadn't seen my friends in over two weeks, probably longer because before I got this job I was searching for a job non-stop.

"I"m not trying to ruin it! I want to spend time with you, and it's your day off!" He insisted as I walked in to my room not expecting him to follow me. I was wrong, I should have expected him to follow me, because he did. He followed me and plonked himself on my bed and watched me as I busied myself, trying to find something to wear out.

"Just because it's my day off does not mean that I don't have plans. I have a busy day today." I explained as I pulled out a cute floral spaghetti strap blouse and a pair of black jeans to go with it.

"What could possibly be more entertaining than hanging out with me?" I didn't look but I was pretty sure there was a pout on his face, the tone of his voice had changed to a whine and I just imagined he was pouting in my direction. I kind of wanted to look, but I didn't want him to know that, so I just keep pulling things out of my drawers.

"Seeing my friends." I quipped and grabbed my clothes and locked myself in the bathroom. I had a shower and washed my hair, shaved my legs and hopped out. I wrapped a towel around me and one on my head to dry my hair and started with my makeup.

I got dressed and did my hair and when I came out, I had expected Harry to have gotten bored and wander off somewhere, but unfortunately he was still sat on my bed. He grinned when I came out of the bathroom.

I was quickly learning to just expect the unexpected from Harry. So if I originally thought he wouldn't wait on my bed for me to come out of the bathroom, I should expect him to be there. No one can he isn't persistent. Consistently persistent in fact. "What are you still doing here? Harry, don'y you have something better to do than pester me today?" I whined as I dropped my pyjamas in the laundry basket and grabbed a pair of black flat shoes and slipped them on to my feet.

"Nope." He popped.

"Well can you find something to do? I have things to do, like have coffee with friends and buy a car." I muttered as I grabbed a couple of rings and slipped them on to my fingers and then a necklace to match.

"You're buying a car?" He looked at me curiously.


"Why? You can just use the minivan." He said.

"I want my own car." I told him as I picked up my phone from my bedside table and threw it in to my hand bag along with my keys and my purse.

"Can I come with you then?" He asked as i picked up my bag and started walking to the door, Harry followed.


"You don't want me to meet your friends?" He frowned at me.

"Nope." I shook my head.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want you to come with me Harry. You promised you'd leave me alone for a whole week. Just leave me alone and ask me again next week. You're being a pest." I said as I walked up the stairs and in to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.

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