Panic Attacks and Road Trips

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When Louis pulled the car up back at home an hour later, we were both relieved that my dad's car was still in the driveway. The meet with Zayn had gone surprisingly well and we needed to talk to the boss about what the next step was.

"How are you feeling?" Louis asked me as he got out of the car and walked around to the passenger's side and offered me his hand and helped me out of the car.

"Sore," I grunted as I stood up straight.

"Back to bed then," Louis said and locked the car as I slammed the door and we attempted to make our way inside the house but we were stopped when my dad opened the front door and stepped outside with a murderous look on his face.

I knew I should have told him I was going to see Zayn.

"And where the hell have you been?" His eyes locked with mine and I internally groaned, he didn't even look at Louis as he marched over to me.

"I went to see Zayn," I told him, not as confidently as I would normally. In these circumstances, I could completely understand why he was mad.

"You went to see Zayn?!" I knew my father better than to answer so I just stood there silently as getting stared at me angrily. "Did you knock your head last night too?! Zany might have been your friend a long time ago but he works for the opposition! How do you know it wasn't Zayn who set you up last night?" I stood there silently as my dad went off on his rampage, watching him throw his hands up in the air furiously.

"He had information," I said eventually. The minute the words came out of my mouth I knew he was about to fly off the handle.

His nostrils flared and his eyes darkened. "HE HAD INFORMATION?! HARRY, YOU ALMOST DIED LAST NIGHT! GET YOUR ARSE INSIDE AND PACK A FUCKING BAG!" My eyes went wide with shock at his words, I was so shocked that I couldn't respond. I had no idea if he was kicking me out or sending me away until I was better but I did as he said and hobbled inside slowly as Louis followed me and dad followed him.

I hadn't been shocked into silence since I got sneaking out when I was 14.
As I passed Daisy's room I noticed a bag on her bed and a whole heap of clothes next to it. Another bag caught my attention, mainly because it was stacked to the heavens with nappies and clothes that belonged to Arlo. "Daisy?" By now I had stopped by Daisy's door, just purely out of curiosity.

"Hey." She looked over her shoulder as she pulled two bras out of the draw she was rummaging through. I cocked an eyebrow at her when she turned around, her eyes went wide and she scrambled to hide them behind her back.

I couldn't help but smile at just how adorable Daisy was and just how stupid it made me feel that that was my favourite thing about her. She was just so adorable and awkward that over the last couple of months I had convinced myself that I wasn't going to stop pestering her until she at least let me kiss her. How impossible that was going to be was yet to be discovered. "Are you going somewhere?" I refocused on the bags she was packing and took a few steps into the room.

"Yeah, we're taking the kids away for a week." I cocked my eyebrow again, we're? "You and Louis are coming too." she continued as she shoved her bras into the bag and then shoved a whole heap of clothes on top of them.

"I'm sorry, what?" I blinked at her.

"We, as in you, Louis and I are taking the kids to a holiday house." She said slowly.

"Why?" I scrunched my nose at her.

"Because it's not safe here." She replied with a look like I should have known why. 

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