What an Ah-mazing Idea

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My stomach was is knots the whole morning as I waited for the kids to wake up, I wanted to take them out, get them out of the house. Mainly so I didn't have to be there when Harry and Louis inevitably bumped in to each other. I knew it was going to happen, because anything that had even an ounce of chance to cause problems and drama was bound to happen.

But it was six o'clock in the morning and I could hardly take the kids out this early. Instead I made myself a strong coffee and decided to just deal with it, if it happened. I made Arlo a bottle and fed him on the couch and when he drifted back to sleep shortly after, I took him back down to my room and sighed when I saw that Louis was still fast asleep in my bed.

This made me even more anxious so I quickly got dressed in the bathroom and went back upstairs and busied myself with making more coffee and getting the kids breakfast and clothes sorted for the day. With the baby monitor tucked in to the back of my jeans I headed upstairs to go and see if the kids were awake and grabbed the clothes from the laundry hamper in the kids bathroom. "Daidy!" Evie cheered from her cot as I passed her room. Her hair looked like a bird had used it as a nest but she was happier than ever this morning.

"Hey beautiful, are you ready to wake up?" I asked her as I unclipped the baby gate to her room and pulled her out of the cot and gave her a good morning cuddle before setting her down so I could find her something to wear.

"We do fun, today?" She asked me curiously as I pulled out some little jeans and white shirt that had a picture of a zebra wearing glasses on it.

"What kind of fun can we do?" I asked her.

"Swings!" She insists and I chuckled as I pulled her over to me and helped her out of her pyjamas.

"Would you like to go to the park?" I suggested.

"Yeah! And slide!" She giggled and clapped her hands together.

"Well maybe we can wake up when Arlo and Ollie wake up." I told her with a smile and got her dressed. We passed Ollie's room on the way downstairs and he was still fast asleep so I took Evie to the kitchen to get her some breakfast.

"Eggs or cereal?" I asked her.

"Egg and cereal!" She said as she climbed up on to the seat where she sat at the table.

"Eggs and cereal? You must be super angry if you want both of those for breakfast!" I gasped and she giggled.


"Well then, let's cereal first and then if you finish your cereal I'll make you some eggs." I tell her and pulled out a box of corn flakes and got her a little bowl and spoon.

"Good morning." I looked up from the fridge where I was getting the milk and smiled with relief when I saw Ollie.

"Hey Ol, how did you sleep?" I asked him with a soft smile as I closed the fridge door and walked back over to where I was making his sister cereal.

"I had a bad dream." He pouted at me.

"Oh no, that's not good. Was it the monsters again?" I asked him softly as I dropped the carton of milk on the bench and walked over to wear he was standing by the door and scooped him up to give him a big cuddle.

"Yeah." He frowned at me.

"You know what, I think we're gonna have to make some monster spray, to keep them away." I tell him as I walked over to the table with him. I had been researching ways to help Ollie sleep at night because he was having bad dreams about monsters. The poor little guy was so anxious about everything, so I was hoping that I could put his mind at rest with a spray bottle of water and glitter to spray in his room before bedtime.

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