An Explanation

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"I can't." Louis shook his head and I groaned in frustration.

"You cannot expect me to keep Harry's guts from falling out and then not tell me what the fuck is going on, Louis!" I hissed at him as I threw my hands up in the air, all I could see on them was red, Harry's blood stuck on my nails, in the grooves of my skin and under my finger nails. "This is his blood, Louis!" I waved my hand in his face.

"Daisy, I want to tell you everything, but John said that I can't." He said calmly.

"I don't give a shit what my boss says, just tell me what is going on!" I hissed again, the longer I didn't know what was going on the more frustrated I became, and I didn't know how to feel or how to regulate my emotions.

"It's not because he's worried about you, Daisy. John is my boss too." Louis murmured awkwardly.

"You know what, you need to leave. You and Niall need to leave. I have a house full of children that I don't want waking up to blood all over their damn house. So get out." I finally decided that I needed to take control of the situation and I needed Louis out. I refused to listen to the words that he said and pushed him towards the door, along with Niall who had been watching from the hallway.

"Daisy, please." Louis pleaded with me but I shook my head and opened the door for him. Just call me if you need to ok? If Harry gets worse or if the kids wake up-."

"Just leave." I closed the door once they were out and went back to the kitchen and pulled all the cleaning supplies from the cupboard and started to scrub the whole kitchen. I dragged the table in to the back yard so the kids wouldn't have to see the blood stained table where their big brother had been stitched up just hours before they woke.

I scrubbed the floors, I scrubbed the bench tops and when I was done I followed the blood stains from the front door where Louis and Niall had carried Harry in. I scrubbed the carpet, I had bleach stains all over my clothes, my hair was in a messy bun and I had a thin sheet of sweat covering my body as I piled all my cloths in to a bucket once I was done.

It was three oclock in the morning when I opened the front door to make sure that there were no blood stains on the concrete. "Hey!" I looked up as I opened the door and John was climbing out of his car.

"Oh, hi."

I hadn't had a chance to think about what Louis had told me. Honestly I was more mad at him than anything because he wouldn't tell me what the hell was going on. The way he had basically blamed John for not being able to tell me had made me angry. But I hadn't stopped to consider the fact that he had told me that John was his boss. "How is he?" He asked as he took the bucket of dirty, bloody water and cloths from me and walked inside the house.

"I haven't heard a peep since they put him in his room." I tell him.

I was too scared to go in there to check on him. I wasn't prepared for seeing Harry unconscious and in pain. I knew he had pain killers, he was probably hooked up to an IV or something. "I'll go check on him and then I'll sit you down and explain what going on." He said and put the bucket of bloody water in the laundry room. "Louis told me that you got mad at him because he wouldn't tell you what was going on, that was not his fault." He said as he walked towards the staircase that went down to the basement.

I stay quiet and wash out the bucket and the sink in the laundry and throw out the cloths. I'm physically and mentally exhausted but I know that even if I try, I definitely won't sleep. "Come to the office." John reappears from the basement a few minutes later.

I follow him up the stairs and in to his office and sit down in front of his desk as he sits on the other side. The only thing I had thought about while John had gone to check on Harry was what Louis had said. He was Louis's boss too. "How is he?"

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